A Christian Mindset

Growing A Stronger Faith in God
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About Walter

I’m grateful to share with you the impact God has had on my life. It makes me shed a tear when I ponder over the compassion God has extended my way. Before He saved me, my past was full of unrighteous living. My mind focused on materialism, and my heart filled with pride.

God didn’t give up on me, nor will He give up on you. Maybe you have become distant from God. I did too. So let us grow our faith together and share God’s truth.


Latest Posts from the Blog

Unleashing The Power Of Christ

Unleashing The Power Of Christ

Unleashing the power of Christ demolishes Satan’s effort to turn us away from God. It’s important to realize placing Jesus as the centerpiece of our lives captures the Lord’s attention. And with God in control our future is eternal. John’s 4th chapter starts with an...

Redemption Through God’s Lamb

Redemption Through God’s Lamb

God’s actions go beyond human comprehension, and in John’s Gospel, he exposes this truth in a magnificent way. When John the Baptist noticed Christ, he professed Him as the Lamb of God (John 1:29). Here the Lord uncovers His intention to sacrifice Jesus giving birth...

John’s Revelation of Christ as God

John’s Revelation of Christ as God

John opens his Gospel with a fascinating revelation. He magnifies the truth of the one real God. This parallel with the first verse in Genesis (Genesis 1:1). Both scriptures leave no doubt that God created everything and governs over the earth. In the beginning was...

Reliance on God Equals Serenity

Reliance on God Equals Serenity

The book of Proverbs reminds us to rely on the Lord instead of ourselves (Proverbs 3:5). A point often overlooked is a dependence upon God brings us an inner serenity and an eternal future with our Savior. Given these points reliance on God calms the storms of life...

Trust Unveils the Power of God

Trust Unveils the Power of God

Trust is confidence anchored in faith. This five-letter and one syllable word bring both positive and negative results. Experiencing the trustworthiness of another person we discover integrity. A breach of trust causes emotional, mental and spiritual harm. The good...

The Gateway in Finding God’s Favor

The Gateway in Finding God’s Favor

God calls on us to live in His purpose. This divine privilege is one with eternal bliss. It’s important to realize; nothing is more pleasing to the Lord than for us to give Him our undivided attention. For this reason, mercy and truth are the gateways in finding favor...

Our Mission & Vision

What is A Christian Mindset?

A  Christian mindset goes beyond thinking. It’s surrendering the mind over to God and finding Christ’s wisdom. Where building an unshakable foundation in God through a living faith becomes the greatest defense against disobedience.

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