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Why I Trust the Bible?
The Bible is trustworthy. It gives proof to the reason why evil exist and how God interacts with humanity.
How Does God Restrain Evil?
God is alive and does restrains evil. He uses the Church, human conscience and governments to help restrain evil
Who Is God?
God is the creator of everything. To know God is to believe in Christ and follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
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The Spirit of Encouragement
Want to find eternal encouragement? Seek God and discover a spiritual strength with unwavering courage. You’ll be amazed
Rejoicing in God’s Grace
Want to find the promises of rejoicing? Seek Christ and find an infinite supply of joy. God’s love is worth it.
Holy Meditation
Want to find a meditation with heavenly rewards. Contemplate on God’s word and discover the reality of His truth,
Growing in Christ’s Image
Growing in Christ’s image goes beyond a simple belief. To become more Christ-like, I need to live according to His Deity daily. This means seeking God.
Faith in Action
Faith in God goes beyond a simple belief. It’s a spiritual conviction anchored in action bringing forth divine holiness
True worship is praising God in love, deed, and action . Believe in Christ and discover the comforting effect of glorifying God