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The Spirit of Truth
God’s love stems from knowing His absolute truth. In Christ, the Spirit of Truth frees the soul and captures the heart
Christian Overconfidence
Are you looking for eternal confidence? Seek God and discover the power of humility. You’ll be astonished by God’s love
Led by the Holy Spirit
Are you Looking for love? Seek God and discover a Spirit of love with remarkable results. The Holy Spirit is full of love.
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Christ’s Love Brings Incredible Joy
Want to find a love filled with joy? Seek Christ and discover God’s affection.
Praying From The Heart
Here’s something we both can agree on is praying strengthens our bond with God. Yet, we wonder if He is listening to our prayer. It’s easy to doubt prayer. You’re not alone. Believe me, I understand the struggles with praying. When I want a response from God and it...
Living in God’s Spirit
I think you’ll agree with me when I say God’s Spirit lives in us and shown to others. The Lord’s Spirit is both internal and external. One is experiencing the inner presence of our Father (living) and the other are virtues radiating His attributes (walking). Over the...
God’s Powerful Choice
Every day we make choices. Many bring positive results, and others hardship. A choice is a conscious decision to take action on a preference. And this can cause negative results. Remember, God chose you and placed you in Christ’s care. And in Christ the Holy Spirit...
Unveiling the Power of Hope
Imagine discovering peace amid a troubled world. A spiritual place where you find serenity. Inner-calmness in times of distress. This is possible. And the key to finding hope on this corrupt planet comes through Christ. The interesting part is God’s vision of hope...
Unlock The Power of Forgiveness
Do you struggle to forgive someone? I understand the challenge of forgiving a troublesome person. Forgiveness isn’t easy. My first instinct is to lash out and cause them emotional discomfort. But this gets me nowhere. For example, when my ex-wife wanted divorce...