Integrity: Standing Firm On God’s Word

They refuse to accept the truth about creation. Christ has made it clear that no one will know the time when He returns and separates the just from the unjust. It will come like a thief in the night. Sound Christian actions based on Christ characteristics will prepare you for that time.
There is no better protection from God’s wrath than accepting Christ as your Savior. It didn’t matter when Christ saved you the only thing God wants is your active participation in remaining in salvation. Half-hearted efforts avail nothing.
Christianity is all about proper presentation and integrity is living by an uncompromising set of Christian principles. Real integrity is unshakable because it is taking a stand for righteousness especially under persecution. So, the more you are centered in Christ, the better you will become at staying spiritually grounded under all circumstances.
Living with Christ will prevent any person, place or world event from destroying your bond with God. You may experience discomfort or have trouble adjusting to them, but the Lord ensures those who are willing to stay faithful won’t be gravely affected. This is great news and an incredible display of God’s gracious love.

If you are willing to turn your will and life over to Christ without any reservations, you too can find the same position as the Disciples. Abandoning yourself to Jesus makes all the difference in God’s eyes. God takes care of those who abide in Christ. As the result of your faith, your life will take on a new meaning filled with purpose and usefully whole.
True believers know that Christ can defend Himself. The Bible has many examples testifying to God’s mighty strength. Let’s look at Moses. Here the Lord used him with Aaron’s aid to lead the Israelites out of captivity and into the promise land.
Every time Pharaoh refused to obey God’s request the severity of God’s wrath intensified. The ultimate price Pharaoh paid was the death of his son, and all Egyptians became terrified of the power of God. The only option left for Pharaoh was to free God’s children.
In your journey with Christ, you will discover there is no need to argue, get upset or convince anyone to become a believer. Proclaiming the death of Christ and professing His resurrection with others is a part of God’s will. We have to follow that command in order to continue growing spiritually. Integrity will allow you to share and exemplify the truth of salvation and understand that Christ is the one that saves lives.
Earnestness, honest, and faithful action are essential in building a solid character firmly planted in salvation. Without those spiritual qualities, there is no way any individual can find eternal life. They are the main ingredients in sincerely trusting Christ under all conditions and circumstances. Those indispensable principles combined radiate the essence of integrity to those around you.
Another excellent benefit from living soundly with Christ is the way people gravitate to you. Others can count on you because they know you are true to your words. Your actions in following, applying and learning to live in the footprints of Jesus demonstrates to God your personal integrity of placing Them above anything else in your life. In return, you will be blessed with the gift of discipleship.

Question for today: What does integrity mean to you and is it beneficial to your personal relationship with Christ?