Genesis One Verse Twenty-Seven
When I look at Genesis One, verse twenty-seven, it places me at the door of acceptance or denial. I can either trust God’s omnipotence or rebel against His sovereignty.
God’s Creation Of Gender
It’s not by accident that God created two genders. Regardless of the world’s outlook on gender, the Lord is clear on how He made them.
God’s truth says:
So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. (Genesis 1:27, NKJV)
This scripture packs itself with His undeniable and tangible reality of why there are women and men. Here, I place my faith in God by accepting this truism. I don’t deny His facts.

Not only did He create two genders, but He also blessed us. His grace for us has two remarkable realities.
Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” (Genesis 1:28, NKJV)
First, He tells us to be fruitful and multiply. One of His astonishing attributes is the power of creation and entrusted man and woman to procreate. How incredible is He by allowing us the privilege to aid in His creation? Wow, what a blessing it is.
Next, He provides us the authority to subdue the earth. Here, God allows us to hold within limits and control His other creations. He gave us the power to oversee His animal kingdom by caring for the fish, birds, and land-dwelling creatures.
The Penalty of Denial
God’s penalty for denial of His two-gender creation isn’t new. No, He dealt harshly with those who engaged in sexual immorality. In the Old Testimony, God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:24-25).
Although He hasn’t retaken this action, He exposed the reprobate mindset (Romans 1:24-30). Transgenderism is a prime example of how a depraved outlook on gender corrupts the reality of gender. To think and believe that my gender is my choice is insane.
As shown above, God created two genders. I didn’t choose to be born, nor the gender God granted me. For these reasons, I don’t deny but accept His two-gender creation. I enjoy being the Gender He created me to be.

Satan is real, and one of his main objectives is to destroy the union between men and women. Abortion, same-sex marriages, and gender dysphoria prove his wicked intention to destroy God’s intended purpose for men and women.
The devil uses this evil on adults and is also aiming at children. In the Western World, pushing gender change in undeveloped and innocent children’s minds is accepted in many government schools. Some teachers promote and encourage children to deny their biological gender and take gender dysphoria. Social media is another way Lucifer uses to keep this sinful behavior in children’s thoughts.
Given these points, I can accept God’s truth or deny His gender creation. Genesis One verse twenty-seven is as valid today as when God inspired Moses to record its authenticity.
With that said, it doesn’t give the license to take a self-righteous or condemnation action with those who reject this divine truth. No, I must remember that Christ teaches me to love and pray for enemies (Matthew 5:43-48).