Fruit of the Spirit Series
Our journey through Paul’s fruit of the Spirit continues. We see how love, joy, peace, and patience are characteristics of salvation. Today, we add kindness to our faith.
Kindness comforts the soul. Graciousness brings warmth to our hearts and leaves us with a feeling of love. God packed this attribute with goodness and full of His unconditional love.
As the world continues to show hatred, wickedness, and rejection of God, it’s hard to see kindness. Tenderheartedness isn’t an attribute practiced by secular society. Even though some unbelievers show kindness, it’s not the norm. No, most nonbelievers aren’t concerned with kindness because they focus on themselves.
God’s Kindness
God’s kindness is an incredible experience. We first come to know His benevolence through the gift of salvation. God’s grace and faith in Christ open the door to His kingdom (Ephesians 2:8). And once inside, we discover a place filled with love and full of holiness.
God is kind enough to forgive our sins. He placed us in Christ and gave us the Holy Spirit to continue receiving His infinite grace. His kindness is a manifestation of His love. It’s in God’s love we discover a life full of goodness. Our lives transform from one of darkness to a life filled with goodwill.

It’s not by accident that we uncover the significance of kindness in His kingdom. Our Father is all-knowing and understands the world is filled with people who live by the works of the flesh. They show hatred, ingratitude, and intolerance towards others.
It’s in Christ that we are the light of the world (Matthew 5:14-16); through the brightness of salvation, the fruit of kindness radiates. And when we extend this gentleness to nonbelievers, the essence of a Christian’s life shows them God’s love.
The Spirit of Kindness
When I receive kindness from someone, its spirit captures my attention. Yes, my heart experiences an incredible appreciation for their act of cheerfulness. I find myself connected with their tenderness.
God releases the spirit of kindness to show us the goodness of His presence. Our ability to demonstrate courtesy creates a loving atmosphere, and when others express this virtue, we walk away with a conscious awareness of their affectionate nature.
Showing others kindness is a fruit of the spirit because it helps them connect with Christ’s compassion. In my experience, someone’s action of wholesomeness comes at the right time. It arrives when I’m struggling with trials and tribulations. Here the Holy Spirit works through them to show me Jesus’s undeniable existence.
God wants us to be kind and provides daily opportunities to carry out this spiritual principle. It’s easy to show kindness to family and friends. The true measure of our Christian kindness is expressing it with strangers. Every day we come in contact with people we don’t know and who need generosity. When these people receive our kind words and actions, they come in contact with God.

Opening the door for someone shows them we notice their need for assistance. When we witness the reaction of a cashier behind the counter dealing with a problematic customer, our kind words make a difference. Our willingness to give without expecting a return is a rewarding experience.
As shown above, kindness is one of God’s spiritual gifts. These are, but a few ways goodness reveals His precepts. The neat reality of growing more Christ-like is our increasing desire to make kindness a noticeable quality of salvation.
What are your thoughts on kindness?