Carrying God’s Message

Jun 27, 20165 comments

The world is full of messages. Most of them centered in ideas where self-serving objectives are expressed to encourage personal excellence. They highlight human attributes and use self-reliance as the primary means of getting success. This communication is selfish because it leaves out the greatest news known to humanity—God’s truth.

A carrier of God’s message begins with understanding His language. It’s imperative for us to hear the Lord’s call because without knowing His dialog our ears miss His voice. Once we become receptive to God’s speech, we receive His message.

What is God’s message?

The most prominent part of His announcement is heaven. Yes, salvation is, God’s ultimate truth, but He has other valuable words for us to digest (1 Peter 3:8-12).

In my journey with God, He has shown me two vital Christian actions crucial to salvation. They are love and forgiveness. When God saved me, He let me experience His love and forgiveness. This purification of my heart placed me in His church (Christ’s Body) and made me worthy to carry His message of eternal hope. I now know God wants me to show the same mercy to others (Luke 6:36).


Love: God’s Greatest Message

Love is God’s most cherished emotion. His greatest demonstration of love was sacrificing Christ’s life sparing us from spiritual death. God’s unconditional compassion for humanity paved the way for eternal life. Christ holds love as God’s top commandments (Matthew 22:34-40).

Once we receive God’s love, then it becomes our responsibility to express it to others. This includes loving people we despise because real love is letting God judge those who disobey. It’s in loving difficult people we are most effective in sharing Christ’s compassion because Christian action speaks volume sin God’s eyes.


Spreading God’s message of love is the finest way of comforting others because we embrace them with Christ’s compassion. And with Christ’s affection that makes living in a world riddled with hatred worthwhile. God has given us this gift of love to help others live a better life. But the most rewarding experience of loving others is receiving God’s promise of covering our sins (1 Peter 4:8)

I have struggled to love uncaring people. Every time Christ gives me the opportunity to love disturbed people, and I fail it cuts me off from God’s spirit. This causes my heart to harden and my faith fades away. When I behave this way, I’m showing God my prideful intentions. And the more I stay unwilling to love them the tougher it becomes to stay focused on living holy. But, the moment I repent (Matthew 5:44), God steps in and blesses me with His grace.

I’m grateful to share with you those times when I don’t love are becoming less frequent. God is awesome!

Forgiveness: Christ’s Ultimate Sacrifice

Forgiveness is high on Christ’s list of commandments. God made forgiveness as significant as love. Remember, Christ’s death, resurrection, and ascension forgave us for sin. Christ is the way God forgives us, and now it’s our turn to do likewise. It’s in forgiving others we receive God’s pardon for our sins (Matthew 6:14).


One way God communicates is through forgiveness and the benefits He hands out for forgiving others shows up in a remarkable way. The biggest dividend in letting go of hurt feelings is the peace Christ releases inside our spirits. Forgiveness prevents bitterness from hijacking our hearts and removes personal conflict with our neighbors. This is a great freedom.

As God’s messenger, our lives must show others a regenerated spirit where sin takes a backseat and living in Christ body becomes our primary focus. God’s invitation to join His Church (Jesus) holds us accountable to His standards. Our faith makes us acceptable to God and in return our conviction must radiate the internal holiness Christ brings into our hearts. Remember, God has called us to become Christ’s sheep and granted us the privilege to carry His message.



  1. Susan Elizabeth

    Thank you so so much for this piece! I am feeling so blessed from reading it! You’ve covered so many topics in a short, easy-to-read space, from faith to forgiveness. Wonderful writing!! Thanks again!!


      Thanks, Susan for stopping by and sharing your faith. I’m grateful God crossed our paths. We are blessed to be united together and witness Christ’s great news. Have a great day and GBY your family, and friends.

  2. Jedidja / Aritha

    Thank you Walter. This is a great post. I love it you writes now and then about yourself! Spreading God’s message of love is indeed the finest way of comforting others. I am not perfect in I need God’s forgiveness often. “The Holy Spirit makes us aware of our lack of holiness to stimulate us to deeper yearning and striving for holiness. To embrace others ( also the people who annoy and hurt us) with Christ’s compassion.


      Hi, Jedidja/Aritha and thanks for allowing me to bear witness to your faith. We are united together so we can share with others the way God has given us Christ as the way to live free from sin and this means I need to let others know the way I live both past and present. God bless you, your family and friends.

  3. deb palmer

    Super post Walter. When I catch myself struggling to forgive, I remember how freely it was given to me. There was no “yeah but,” when He forgave me. Even so, I sometimes try to justify that He didn’t mean we are to forgive someone who … fill in the blank. Thanks for your clarity and steadfastness.


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