Who Is God?

Who Is God?

What comes to your mind when you think of God? The answer to the question of who God is takes on many meanings. There are a lot of different views of His nature. People who are of the world and not in His kingdom can’t fathom His omnipotence. God the Creator Only one...
It’s Not About Me

It’s Not About Me

God’s gift of salvation isn’t about me. No, I had nothing to do with His decision. He shed His grace on me, activated my faith in Christ, and anointed me with the Holy Spirit. For those reasons, I can’t take credit for His gift of eternal life. My Testimony I know...
Christian Action

Christian Action

Christian action is living according to Jesus’s Deity. When Christ walked on earth, those who came in contact with Him saw a man who showed love, forgiveness, and faith. They witness God’s sovereignty through His actions. Hearing God’s call for the first time is...
The Why Me Syndrome

The Why Me Syndrome

It’s easy falling into the trap of the why me syndrome. This is often unintentional. When trials emerge, my first instinct is to question God’s reason for my misfortune. I doubt and forget to trust Him. Because of my lack of faith, I continue to wallow in self-pity....
Denying Myself

Denying Myself

Picking Up My Cross Denying myself and picking up my cross isn’t easy. My carnal instinct is to go it alone without relying on Christ. But, in reality, this significant salvation action brings a spiritual strength mightier than Satan’s stronghold. I must remind myself...
Deconstructing Faith

Deconstructing Faith

Disbelief in Action Deconstructing faith is growing in popularity and is an excellent example of disbelief in action. It’s easy to believe scriptures I agree with and not so hard to follow. But with challenging biblical truth, it’s tough to put them into action....