Part Two
The Narrow Gate Series
Thanks for returning for part two. I hope you’ll enjoy the rest of week one’s correspondence.
In the sixth Beatitude, Jesus unveiled a significant Christian mindset towards God. He called it a pure heart. It’s a narrow path and tough to keep. Here, He emphasized salvation breeds holiness through spiritual sanctification anchored in doing the Lord’s will. Finding God’s sovereign truth involves a revolutionary change in the mind, heart, and spirit.
Christ promises a pure heart sees God. He wasn’t referring to a physical visualization but in a transparent supernatural way. A believer’s astounding connection with the Holy Spirit increases. The world can’t match this awesome oneness with God. How amazing is that?
Spiritual Gifts
I think you’ll agree with me when I say the world isn’t peaceful. Most people live in constant conflict because they reject God’s sovereignty. But Christ appoints peacemakers to offer spiritual calmness amid a world riddled with chaos. These holy followers with God’s guidance bring serenity in disturbing circumstances.
God awards His peacemakers with sonship. To be considered one of the Lord’s sons is a phenomenal awakening. Wow, isn’t our Savior terrific!

Jesus finishes the Beatitudes with the prophecy of Christian persecution. He foretells the narrow gate includes mistreatment for believing in His Deity. There are many people who hate God. They attack His truth with fierce antagonism, even to the point of murdering Christians. This happens in nations that have strict laws with harsh penalties for professing Christ.
Our Messiah explains nonbelievers use lies and false accusations to slander disciples who show dedication to Him. He reminded us the Prophets who lived before His deliverance faced brutal consequences.
Jesus taught persecuted followers to rejoice and be glad in responding to hateful people. Christ takes care of those who face real persecution. He guarantees them a place in heaven.
Faithful Followers
After Christ Jesus educated His disciples on the Beatitudes, He disclosed salvation is flavorful and bright. His examples of salt and light show the behavior of one seeking God. Jesus commands us to crave God’s Spirit and bring holy light to those around us.
Salvation isn’t a private affair. Our lives must rise above the wickedness of the world and shine God’s omnipotence presence.

We end this week’s session with Christ’s fulfillment of God’s law. When Jesus arrived on earth, the Lord’s chosen people didn’t understand the Lord’s law. So, Christ informed His Disciples He came to complete the Prophets’ holy visions.
Their Pharisees and scribes misled them. They enforced unrealistic religious rituals, causing displeasure with God. Jesus exposed their unrighteous behavior. He commanded them to stop following the Pharisees or live away from God’s kingdom.
As seen above, entering the narrow gate has specific Christian criteria. These are a few thoughts. More comprehensive knowledge of these crucial teachings is available for your investigation.
I hope you join in next week. Until then, peace be with you, my friend in Christ!