Part One
The Narrow Gate Series
Welcome to week one of the narrow gate series. I’m thankful for your interest. Today, we will cover the first three revelations Christ shared in His Sermon on the Mount.
These lessons from our Savior are the gateway to God’s kingdom. They give crucial insight to saving faith.
This is part one of this week’s reading. The link for part two is listed at the end of this article.
The Beatitudes illustrate the image of a true Christ believer. Each of them highlights a specific holy confirmation followed by a profound reward from God. They are the signature of Christ, working through a devoted daily life and radiating God’s will.
Each of these begins with the word blessed. This refers to God’s grace.
The first two Beatitudes, refer to the spiritual brokenness of a sinner (Matthew 5:3-4). It’s important to realize sin caused humanity to lose favor with God (Genesis 3:14-19). And for this reason, the human spirit experienced mental and emotional suffering.
Spiritual Healing
Let’s begin with a poor spirit. When God saves a soul, the believer becomes conscious of the spiritual bankruptcy caused by original sin. It gives testimony of how painful sin is to God. Apostle Paul understood this and pointed out his wretchedness (Romans 7:24). And Peter’s denial of Christ showed his fearful soul (Luke 22:61-62).
Because of a believer’s connection with a poor spirit, God opens the door to heaven. Here, He shows His incredible forgiveness and undeniable love. I’m grateful for this life-changing experience with my Creator! I hope you too uncover a personal relationship with Christ.

Once a poor spirit emerges, then mourning over that realization emerges. Early in my salvation, I mourned in prayer because I felt unworthy of God’s grace. These tears of sorrow engulfed my heart and heightened my knowledge of His presence.
The interesting part of mourning over sin is how Jesus comforts our heartbreak. He embraces us with the Holy Spirit and an indescribable inner peace overtakes our souls. And this proves salvation is from the true God.
The next five Beatitudes portray Christ-likeness. By practicing humility, righteousness, mercy, spiritual purity, and peace, those around us witness God’s powerful existence. These spiritual principles are the backbone of unshakable faith. They let the world see the inner workings of Christ Jesus through the holy action of faithful followers.
Spiritual Integrity
Meekness catches God’s eye. Humility draws us closer to God because it casts out pride (James 4:6). A humble disposition places God first and considers the well-being of others before the needs of oneself. And in return, Christ opens the narrow gate to the Lord’s kingdom. For inheriting the earth is an entrance into eternal life.

The fourth Beatitude brings attention to righteousness. Jesus pointed out an overwhelming passion (thirst) for living right brings an incredible connection with God. This attribute lets other people know our Father’s truth, living a life full of goodness and filled with kindness. And because of demonstrating this virtue, the Holy Spirit flows within our souls. Our lives revere a joyful oneness with Christ.
Who doesn’t want mercy? I do. Unlike humanity’s clemency, the mercy Christ discussed comes from God. Remember, everything associated with God is more powerful than anything the world offers. And once He gives a person salvation, His leniency for disbelief is an extraordinary holy experience.
It’s in receiving Christ’s mercy our motivation to extend it to others flourishes. Showing humanity unconditional forgiveness for wrongdoing pleases God. So, to get mercy, one must manifest this miraculous spiritual value into daily action.
I know that’s a lot to take in, but bear with me. Here’s the link to part two.