Christ’s Deliverance: God’s Greatest Pleasure

Jan 9, 20172 comments

God is astonishing in the way He keeps His word. For centuries He used Prophets to prepare for the day of Christ’s deliverance. The Lord’s love for His Son coupled with His compassion for humanity gives Him incredible pleasure.



God made this eternal deliverance His greatest gift. To receive this infinite treasure, one must receive God’s grace (Ephesians 2:8).

Because of Christ’s baptism; God’s new plan for salvation is real (Matthew 3:15).

Last week we discussed God’s message of repentance. We saw the crucial role an act of contrition is in God’s eyes.

Matthew wastes no time to show us God’s joy in delivering His beloved Son (Matthew 3:16-17).

When God speaks, it has the utmost importance for humanity. It’s imperative to understand God’s language. Without knowledge of His dialect, eternal life stays elusive. And, Matthew recorded Christ’s deliverance through God’s voice.



Here in this part of Matthew’s third chapter (Matthew 3:13-17), we come to see God’s overwhelming joy for His Son.

Since Adam and Eve’s disobedience, it’s rare for God to express pleasure with humanity. In Jesus’s baptism, God treats us with His happiness.

Imagine witnessing God’s pleasure. It’s mind boggling pondering over the Lord’s excitement to give humanity a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). But God’s love is never absent from those He saves. I’m thankful to understand Christ is the way to God’s kingdom (John 14:6).

Watching the pleasure God showed in delivering His Son is a privilege. With this in mind, remember not everyone understands the meaning behind Christ’s ministry. This experience is an incredible gift. We are fortunate God included us in His kingdom.

The moment God exposed Christ as His Son the way of believing in Him changed. At the time of Christ’s arrival, an unfavorable faith in God developed and under those circumstances God put right this tragic mistake.

At this point in man’s history, many believers relied on traditions handed to them through the generations. Most of those doctrines center on rituals and not anchored in God’s truth. But Christ’s deliverance put an end to this incorrect understanding of God’s word. Because of Christ’s deliverance God unlocked His mysteries (Colossians 1:24-27).

When I meditate over Christ’s deliverance, it makes me grateful for God’s truth.

I use to live in darkness consumed by a life full of resentment, bitterness, and selfishness. Everything I centered in prideful motives leading to a life filled with disappointment.

It brings me great pleasure to share with you God pulled me from the darkness. Today my life changed, and it started with God introducing me to Christ. This new way of living isn’t easy, but with Christ, as my guide, nothing is impossible (Luke 1:37). Even though I’m not perfect Christ helps me overcome my sinful nature.



Christ’s deliverance fosters many discussions, and we have touched on a few of them. We can agree without Christ our lives stay troubled. But on the positive side with Him, our place in God’s kingdom is everlasting!

What does Christ’s deliverance mean to you?




  1. Stacy Duncan

    Thank you for sharing this post! I remember living life with that hole in my heart, not knowing what would fit and fill it. Then someone told me that hole was God shaped and he was the only one that could ever fill it! That was a wonderful day, when, as you so eloquently put it, when God introduced me to Christ and showed me grace, as much as I didn’t deserve it. Beautiful post! pleasure to read!


      Hi, Stacy and I do understand that familiar place being absent from God living an empty life. Yes, that also was a wonderful day for me when I felt His Spirit inside my heart. Even though I’m not deserving Christ receives me and teaches me God’s will, and for that, I’m forever grateful. May Christ continue to grow stronger in you, your husband’s ministry, family and friends.


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