Nothing the world offers matches Christ’s love and the incredible joy for God it brings to a believer. No material possessions or personal achievements equals Jesus’s affection. Because once you tap in to this reality then a joy for the Lord overcomes the lusts of the flesh.
Here’s something we both can agree on is God holds love as His most cherished attributes. In fact, the Lord showed Moses loving Him first is His greatest command handed to humanity (Deuteronomy 6:5). And Christ reaffirmed this reality when answering the question asked by the Pharisees on what’s God’s first commandment (Matthew 22:37-38).
But when God’s love enters your heart a new outlook on love emerges. For example, when I first experienced His love everything, I understood on this virtue changed. The most noticeable is the undeniable inner-peace I connect with from His Spirit. This awesome serenity from God unveiled a holy love filled with grace and full of forgiveness. I’m grateful for His wisdom to know real love is spiritual and not carnal!
The interesting part of loving God is how it guides me to extend this sensational love with others. This isn’t by accident but designed by the Father so those around me can experience this influential virtue. Christ himself elaborated on loving others as the second greatest commandment (Matthew 22:39).

It’s easy for me to love both God and others when life is good. But the real test in showing this wonderful love is when life’s terms become overwhelming. Because I have a tendency to express a negative response when life doles out unwanted circumstances. My first instinct is to show self-pity. Besides feeling sorry for myself, I want to lash out at others and make them experience the same emotional pain.
I have to remind myself an affectionate heart starts with Christ and this motivates me to love the way God wants. So, it’s in devoting myself to Jesus that I’m able to find the inner-strength to offer my love in trying times. Another key point is with Christ’s guidance, I discover God’s power in expressing holy love under troubling times.

I think you’ll agree with me when I say joy results from love. In fact, without love, life isn’t enjoyable, and this opens the door to bitterness causing friction between me and others. And when I live in conflict towards others (or with life’s terms) nothing good emerges because my spirit is in turmoil. But the moment I place my trust in Christ my battle with the flesh fades away and joy becomes a byproduct of a sprit filled life.
A point often overlooked is the joy from heaven starts with planning a personal bond with Christ. Since, God made Jesus His entry into eternal life then one must unite with Christ. Remember without God’s Son the door to His kingdom stays shut (John 14:6). So, once I humble myself to Jesus then I find a strong joy for God. I enjoy serving God and this fills my heart with thankfulness for His love.

Here’s the bottom line. The joy God’s gives are best shown in times of distress because it reminds us that life on earth is temporary. Yes, when I’m able to focus on God’s amazing gift of salvation, then I become joyful and willing to sustain the spiritual discomfort caused by a broken world. I’m not saying the pains from life don’t affect me or they cease to exist. No that’s not my experience with Christ. What I am saying the joy from the Holy Spirit allows me to be joyful in the challenges a Christian life endures.
As shown above the love and joy God gives is everlasting. We have touched on a few truths about God’s outlook on love and joy. A more comprehensive understanding awaits you in your devotion to Christ. Remember my friend a life with Christ assures your God will care for your soul.