Part One
Disclosed in Psalm One is divine wisdom. It has six scriptures that hold the key to the right relationship with God. They are part of the blueprint for godliness and unfold the road to salvation.
In part one, we focus on verses one, two, and three. They show us God’s outlook on disbelief and His love for believers.
The Essence of God’s Will
Psalm One unearths the essence of God’s will. It anchors itself in His word, and spiritual integrity emerges where faith in Him builds an unshakable foundation.
The Psalmist starts with:
Blessed is the man
Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly,
Nor stands in the path of sinners,
Nor sits in the seat of the scornful; (Psalm 1:1, NKJV)
In this verse, God loves a faithful believer by blessing him. Then He unveils three transgressions that He despises. Seeking advice from the ungodly, embracing unrepented sinners, and holding a scornful heart displeases God. These inequities are the opposite of His will and lead to eternal separation from His kingdom.
Before God saved me, I lived those sinful practices. I always sought spiritual counsel from unbelievers with mixed results. Indulging in sin with others was my motto. And my agnosticism held God in contempt. This bondage to unholy living brought me nothing but immense problems.

The next verse demonstrates the actions of those who love and obey God.
Scripture two speaks this reality:
But his delight is in the law of the Lord,
And in His law he meditates day and night. (Psalm 1:2, NKJV)
This verse unmasks the mindset of one who is God-centered. First, we discover that our joy doesn’t come from ourselves but from seeking God. Then we find through meditating on His word that our lives become an instrument of His will. We realize deep thought on God’s truth empowers the mind to conform to His commands.
The results God gives me from meditation are remarkable. When I take the time to absorb His word mentally, my mind slows down and stores His truth. Then when in a crisis, the Holy Spirit brings into remembrance a precise scripture needed to resolve the tribulation. This same encounter with God’s Spirit grants me the proper words when conversing the Gospel with others. And when my mind aligns itself with God, it motivates me to grow Christ-like.
God’s Gracious Promise
God’s gracious promise comes in verse three. He provides the Psalmist with the rewards granted to a faithful follower. God shows us that by placing Him first, obeying His commands, and standing firm on His word, He will give us eternal security.
Verse Three says:
He shall be like a tree
Planted by the rivers of water,
That brings forth its fruit in its season,
Whose leaf also shall not wither;
And whatever he does shall prosper. (Psalm 1:3, NKJV)
As noted above, God embraces us with a treasure trove of incredible gifts. He uses a tree as the foundation of faith. Our Father brings to light His tree and fills it with an infinite supply of water bringing forth an everlasting stockpile of divine fruit. The Lord shows us that nothing can cause its leaves to die. He ends with the promise of a prosperous life.
It’s in trusting God that I discover the prosperity of love, forgiveness, and inner peace. As a result of seeking God, these divine virtues blossom. They shine in times of tribulation and dealing with difficult people. Even though I do fall short of displaying these holy attributes, my conscience convicts me to turn back to Him.

Given these points, we come to know God from His perspective. We understand that rebellion against Him will be dealt with in an unfavorable way. On the other hand, He also shows an unconditional love for obedience to His word.
Next week part two will cover scriptures four through six. They heighten His omnipotence.
We will also see how Christ taught this astonishing God-consciousness. I hope you will join in the conversation.
What are your thoughts?