It seems that the world is showing signs of the end of time. Over the past two and a half years, the outbreak of Covid-19 sparked a debate over whether or not the arrival of the end of times is here. This pandemic affected most of the planet. It generated fear and caused millions of deaths.
Many global governments created strict mandates to prevent its spread, with harsh penalties for discarding those restrictions. At the onset of the pandemic, many western world countries shut down businesses that weren’t essential to the fight against this life-threatening illness. Restaurants, bars, entertainment facilities, and other retail stores suffer substantial financial losses because their governments forced them to close.
Besides the pandemic, society’s morality shows an increase in doing evil deeds. Hatred is on the rise, and lawlessness is becoming more evident. In the United States, people continue protesting against police brutality, with many of those gatherings turning violent, causing death and vandalism. Another heated and revolted issue is how the U.S. government policies and laws suppress minority citizens.
These protests with good intentions over wrongdoings became hijacked by a few people who wanted to cause civil unrest.
Those are a few recent events leading to a surge in predicting the end of time.
However, every time the world experiences extreme evilness, it leads people to believe God unleashed His final wrath. For example, World War Two broke out (1939-1945) and affected the entire planet. It lasted six years, exposing the wickedness of man’s heart. The Holocaust shocked the world, and when the atom bomb emerged, showing a powerful and unmatched weapon of death, it terrified society. Yet, God didn’t implement His plan to bring back Christ.
God’s Truth
The Bible is clear on how God will implement the return of Christ. The first realization of this truth is understanding that no one except God Himself knows when He will start the end of time events (Matthew 24:36). Accepting this truth prevents me from believing in man’s predictions. In other words, people who claim they know the exact date deceive themselves and make excuses when their prophecy fails.
Jesus explained to His Disciples doom day alarms (Luke 21:7-36). Here our Savior highlighted specific events that show us the reality of God’s final judgment. I can hear you thinking some of those circumstances already exist. Yes, earthquakes, famines, and cosmic disturbances do occur. While these events occur, their current intensity and severity won’t compare to how God will use them to make His omnipotence known.
God highlighted His blueprint for the world’s finality in the Book of Revelation. Two pastors I follow (John MacArthur and Voddie Baucham) share biblical truths concerning Christ’s second coming. They don’t discuss their opinions but anchor their sermons in God’s word. If you have others who do the same, please leave them in the comments. I’m always looking to expand my library of teachers who centered themselves on sound Christian doctrine.
In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus foretold how Jerusalem would be surrounded by its enemies and become desolate (Luke 20-24). He gave a detailed account of how the Jews would be captured and dispersed into all nations. Israel has mighty allies at this time, showing us the time has yet to arrive.
In addition to what Christ said while on earth, He instructed John to write the book of Revelation (Revelation 1:19). Its pages contain many prophecies that have yet to happen.
There are seven seals followed by seven trumpets and ending with seven bowl judgments. Each of them brings forth severe calamities. They show God’s undeniable powers and make known His mighty existence.
Another crucial truth in the book of Revelation is the emergence of two men who will bring severe evil to the world (Revelation 13). They will cause unbelievers (revelation 13:8) to follow them and glorify their wicked deeds.

As shown above, these are a few Biblical examples of Christ’s words concerning the end of the age. Remember, faith is from hearing and the conviction of hidden truths (Romans 10:17 Hebrews 11:1). We can agree on our trust in God’s eternal plan, including accepting the Revelation of Jesus Christ are real.
What do you think about the end of times?