Equality of outcome is a Western worldview in which everyone is equal and experiences the same results. This concept isn’t limited to a particular sector of society but is all-inclusive of any group of people who deem themselves unfortunate by life’s circumstances.
For example, feminism fights for women’s equal rights to men and expects the same results. Women in professional sports want to be paid equally. In theory, this seems plausible. Yet, the revenue generated between the two genders is not equal. Most men’s professional sports bring in more money than women’s. This difference causes a gap in the equality of pay.
Another case for equality of outcome is the battle for racial equity. In the United States, this is an intense fight to offset the horrors of slavery. Their history shows an undeniable truth of the mistreatment of African slaves. Even when slavery ended in the 1860s, it didn’t stop their suffering.
It took the US government a century to change its law on equality for African Americans. In the 1960s, the US signed the Civil Rights Act into law, but this didn’t stop their discrimination. Many corporations found ways to bypass the law. However, their equality improved, yet it still hasn’t been eradicated today.
These are some examples of the world’s outlook on equality of outcome.
God’s Kingdom
God’s kingdom is the only place to discover divine equality of outcome. As illustrated, the world fights hard to bring equality but fails. Without God, the corruption of the heart overtakes any goodness fostered by man. This truth has been recorded throughout human history and caused by the great fall of Adam and Eve from God’s grace (Genesis 3).
There isn’t any hierarchy among members inside God’s kingdom, only pure holiness. Christ is the head of God’s kingdom (John 14:6). God set Christ as His sole authority. No human supersedes this eternal reality.

Everyone God saves is the same because He shows no favoritism (Deuteronomy 10:17, Romans 2:11). He created all humans in His image (Genesis 1:27).
As mentioned above, Adam and Eve’s disobedience set in motion His action of separating them from His grace, thus creating inequality in humanity. However, God’s incredible love for them opened the door to their repentance (Genesis 3:22), and this absolute truth remains today (Matthew 3:2).
God’s plan for salvation (equality of eternal outcome) includes Jews and Gentiles (Acts 28:28, Romans 3:29-30). For this reason, Christ commanded His Disciples to spread God’s News worldwide (Matthew 28:19-20). This Great Commission demonstrates God’s desire to share this everlasting infinity with everyone.
Those who God saves are united and equal to anybody already in heaven. This includes Abraham, Moses, Ruth, Peter, Paul, John the Baptist, John, the author of the Gospel, and Mary Magdalene, to name a few, not to mention our family and friends. How incredible is this for us!
God’s Gift of Salvation
How do I know if I’ve received God’s gift of salvation?
Jesus answers this question.
Christ said:
Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3, NKJV
Jesus spoke those words with Nicodemus, a prominent Pharisee (John 3:1-2). This scripture highlights God’s plan of a spiritual rebirth. It discloses the path from a sinner to the holiness of God’s kingdom. And only God’s grace, coupled with faith in Christ, brings forth the rebirth (Ephesians 2:8-9).
Nicodemus couldn’t grasp the meaning behind Christ’s divine wisdom. So, Jesus unveiled God’s rule of salvation (John 3:5-8). The Holy Spirit unearths our sanctification.
Jesus said this concerning the Holy Spirit:
But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. John 14:26, NKJV
Although this scripture targeted His Disciples, the same message is granted to us. We do not understand God’s truth by intuition. No, the Holy Spirit dwells inside our innermost self, put there by God (Romans 8:11). With this in mind, it removes any confusion.

As can be seen, Christ and the Holy Spirit are the way.
Final Thoughts
This is only a brief reality of God’s equality of outcome. A more comprehensive understanding of this truth lies in our relationship with Christ and a relentless study of God’s word.
I love to hear your thoughts.