It isn’t hard to understand the evidence of God’s omnipotence. No, it’s all around us, in us, and in heaven. However, many people are contrary to the fact of this eternal truth.
The One and Only Living God
There is only one living God, and He is found in the Bible. All other gods come from man’s self-interpretation of how and why the universe exists. Their gods are many and have specific purposes.
For instance, the Romans believed in Jupiter, the god of protection, and Minerva, the god of wisdom. On the other hand, God doesn’t separate these or any other definitive reason for why things exist.
No, the living God controls protection and divine wisdom, and His purpose is but one. That is for all of humanity to concede to His holy sovereignty.
The most obvious of the living God’s omnipotence is His creations. His formulations of the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1) unveil the full impact of His incredible powers.

The entire First Chapter of Genesis provides all the evidence of His omnipotence. In these truths, humanity gains the knowledge of His mighty creations and leaves no doubt of their existence.
Here, we see how day and night came about. The reasoning behind the animal kingdom and the creation of man and woman heighten His creative powers (Genesis 1:2-31).
Rejection of God as the sole Creator is a common denominator in the lives of disbelievers. This reality isn’t new. It dates back to the Old Testament days. Throughout this Testament, many Biblical truths disclose other gods.
For example, when God placed the Israelites in Egyptian captivity, they became exposed to how those people believed and worshipped many gods. Then came the day when Pharaoh came face to face with God’s omnipotence.
It took ten plagues and the death of Pharaoh’s son before he resentfully allowed Moses to remove God’s chosen ones from his control (Exodus 7:14-12:32). God’s omnipotence prevailed, for the Egyptian people feared Him (Exodus 12:33).
In modern times, the Theory of Evolution (1859) emerged. Darwinism took root, leading a multitude of people away from God. This outlook redirected man’s thinking on the rationale behind everything we see. He claimed by chance, humanity materialized. His theory stripped away any evidence of God’s omnipotence.
However, he couldn’t eradicate the evidence of a Supreme Creator, for he failed to give sufficient logic as to why the human conscience exists. No, he didn’t even highlight where man’s spirit came from. For this reason, it provides evidence of man’s connection with God.
God’s Final Covenant
God’s final covenant (Matthew 26:28) provides the most compelling evidence of His omnipotence. When the Lord delivered His Son, Jesus Christ, into the world, it unearthed His last arrangement with humanity to conform to His statutes. His sacrifice, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus demonstrate His dominion over mankind.
It’s not easy to understand why He allowed Christ to die. But He did, and this unbelievable act of His love became the essence of salvation. Indeed, when we accept this to our innermost self, God opens the door to His kingdom, for there is no other way to heaven (John 3:16-17).

Only belief in Christ’s entire Deity (John 14:6) unlocks the door to God’s house. Anything less than this outlook prevents entry into eternal salvation (John 15:5). It’s faith, trust, and obedience to Jesus that we have the strength and courage to live according to God’s standards (John 5:9). Through the action of trusting Jesus, God gives us access to His omnipotence (1 Corinthians 10:13).
Abiding in Christ unlatches entry into the narrow gate (Matthew 7:13-14) and sets us free from the bondage of sin (John 8:36 Galatians 5:1). However, we must remember that we live in a broken world and still sin against God (1 John 1:8). But when I do transgress against God, and confess my inequity then Christ steps in and cleanses me from my disobedience (1 John 1:8-9 1 John 2:1-2).
Even though God saved me, I still rebel and sin. With that said, the evidence of God’s omnipotence shows up once I repent and turn away from my disobedience. This truth becomes apparent through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit because God provides me with inner peace unlike any other.
I can’t emphasize the significance of a personal relationship with Jesus. He is God’s gift of salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9). Failure to do so signs my eternal death warrant (John 3:18).
As can be seen, evidence of God’s omnipotence is in His creations and His final covenant for humanity’s salvation (Christ Jesus). This is only a small outlook on the biblical truth of God’s almightiness.
A more in-depth and personal connection with His all-powerful existence comes from a willingness to seek His presence (Matthew 7:7-12). God always keeps His promises, and through His answered prayers, we discover all the evidence needed to understand His power.
How do you see God’s omnipotence?