The Origins of Evolution
Many people believe in Darwin’s theory of evolution. They cling to its validity and place their faith in natural selection. Centuries before Charles Darwin published his famous book On the Origin of Species, Anaximander of Miletus, a Greek philosopher who lived in the 500’s B.C., concluded humans evolved from fish.
Besides Darwin’s theory, the advancement in science with the discovery of DNA continues pushing this concept of evolution. Many genetic scientists try to prove that human beings’ DNA came from apes. They show the genetic similarity between these species but haven’t explained why they have crucial differences. Again, they redirect people from accepting God as the sole creator.
Don’t take my word for this; Google the phrase evolution and take notice of the more than a billion results. Then replace evolution with Christianity and compare the numbers. As a result of this research, the conclusion speaks for itself. More people discuss evolution than a belief in Christ.
Another viewpoint on human evolution is its alignment with chance and random words. One of the meanings behind chance is it indicates things that happen by accident or without design. Chance leaves you with an impression of aimlessness. On the other hand, random lacks a definite plan, purpose, or pattern. Again, that word shows evolution defines human existence as pointless.
As noted, evolution can’t answer the intuition of the human spirit.

God’s Evidence of Creation
Evolutionists, atheists, and agnostics don’t believe in God the Creator. No, they use science to disprove His existence and disregard evidence showing the truth of God’s omnipotence.
The undeniable proof showing God as Creator comes from the Holy Spirit (John 14:26). Yes, our Father’s Spirit unveils the truth about how humanity came into existence. When Christ anoints a believer with the Holy Spirit, the facts of creation emerge. God shows Himself with a profound conscious awareness of His presence. And the Holy Spirit supersedes every theory humanity tries to think up to substitute God the creator.
It’s easy to understand why people reject God and believe in evolution. They don’t want to face the truth of their sins and be held accountable by God for disobedience. Their desires for pride manifested through intelligence blind them from receiving salvation (Romans 1:18).

Before God saved me, I tried my best to discount His existence. I told others He couldn’t be loving because children suffered unnecessary physical and mental pain. My outlook didn’t understand God wasn’t the one causing many children the discomfort. It wasn’t until I received the Holy Spirit from Christ that I knew it was wicked deeds from evil people Satan uses to harm innocent children.
The Holy Spirit’s incredible presence crushes every attack Satan uses to redirect humanity from glorifying God’s gift of creation. Indeed, the devil doesn’t have the power to overtake those God gives to Christ (John 10:27-30).
As shown above, these are a few truths God unmasks through the Holy Spirit to refute evolution. I think you’ll agree with me when I say God created us in His image (Genesis 1:27).
What’s your experience with the Holy Spirit?