Fruit of the Spirit Series
Welcome back to the Fruit of the Spirit series. Last week, we unmasked the three characteristics of love. Today, we look at eternal joy.
Embracing God’s Joy
The exciting part of embracing God’s joy comes from our love for Him. We know this truth because Christ disclosed this to His Disciples.
Jesus said:
“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.
John 15:9-11
Christ links our love for Him to His joy. Jesus becomes joyous when we show our love. Did you notice the completion of our joy comes from Christ? This promise ensures our delight for salvation rests on our passion for following Jesus.
Christ unveils keeping His commands demonstrates our love is righteous. Here Jesus shows us He follows God’s direction and, in return, receives His unconditional affection. It’s not by accident; God placed obedience as a significant part of salvation. Indeed, a disobedient heart leads to a life filled with discontentment and full of self-bondage. But an adherent follower receives a joyful blessing from God.
As shown above, eternal joy comes from Christ. Nothing the world offers matches the joy Jesus holds for believers. Seek Jesus and discover this truth. You won’t be let down because God always delivers rewards for those who glorify Him.

Joy Through the Holy Spirit
God uses the Holy Spirit to put joy into our hearts. God’s Spirit unleashes the essence of joy into our souls. It’s an exhilarating consciousness of His undeniable presence.
Apostle Paul uncovered the Holy Spirit’s undisputed existence.
Paul spoke these words:
For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
Romans 14:17
Paul reminds us that righteousness, peace, and joy come from the Holy Spirit. This scripture validates Christ’s promise to send the Spirit of Truth (John 14:26). And with the Holy Spirit’s guidance, we gain God’s wisdom.
Paul highlights God’s kingdom as a holy place where physical survival takes a back seat. He heightens the importance of the Holy Spirit and how it provides us with spiritual nourishment vital to our eternal life. Without this crucial ingredient of salvation, our defense against Satan’s attacks stays elusive.
Another excellent example of the Holy Spirit’s joy is from 1 Thessalonians.
Paul said:
And you became followers of us and of the Lord, having received the word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Spirit,so that you became examples to all in Macedonia and Achaia who believe.
1 Thessalonians 1:6-7
Paul tells the Thessalonian believers that they received joy from the Holy Spirit in their afflictions. Many of the churches Paul planted experienced afflictions from false teachers, which caused them problems. These antagonists went around undermining Paul’s apostleship. Those two scriptures show eternal joy is possible under troubling circumstances.
Paul also shows us our joy helps others. In my experience, when God connects me with another faithful follower, I rejoice in Christ’s name. Then I feel the Holy Spirit dwelling inside my conscience.

One of the most joyful occasions the Holy Spirit brings us is when we sing together, praising God. In our singing, electrifying spiritual energy moves through us, radiating the works of the Holy Spirit. This experience touches my heart, leading me to continue devoting myself to Christ.
It’s in my relationship with God I connect with eternal joy. Our Father makes salvation a profound experience. When I awaken to His holiness, it brings me enjoyment. This incredible oneness with God releases me into spiritual bliss.
Given these points, we can see eternal joy comes from God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit. The Lord, indeed, makes salvation a joyful reality. We are fortunate God brought us into His kingdom. If this isn’t enough evidence to bring me joy, I need to examine myself and see if I’m in the faith!
What brings you joy?