It’s difficult living in a world penetrated by hate, sexual immorality, and disbelief in God. No one can escape sin. This fall from God’s grace is a reality for humans and without God’s intervention stays elusive. Yet, the Lord’s love to save us from the evil one is obvious in believers of Christ (2 Peter 3:9).
Here’s something we both can agree with is the Lord’s love is unlike any other on earth. Yes, nothing an individual or the world offers to match Christ’s affection for God’s children.

Remember Jesus’ death, resurrection and ascension into heaven crush sin showing God’s unshakable love. Amazing isn’t it?
In Christ, we can embrace God with love and extend this to others.
I know the problems from a life fueled by anger, bitterness, and resentment. See, before God saved me those sinful actions ruled my existence leaving me powerless over their paralyzing grip. I couldn’t stop them from causing me trouble with God and those who were in my path of destruction.
My understanding of love turned out to be infatuation making it impossible to experience a real spiritual affection. I misunderstood love.
But when God shed His grace upon and placed me in Jesus’s care then I discovered the undeniable love, they have for my eternal life. And daily it continues to manifest. Awesome isn’t?

I think you’ll agree with me when I say once you experience God’s love it changes the outlook on how to love. This great display of Christ’s comfort makes the living on earth a meaningful purpose for God’s glory.
In fact, the Lord’s two highest commandments are love (Matthew 22:26-40). When the Pharisees confronted Christ they tried to catch Him in blasphemy. But Jesus knew their minds and answered with well-known scriptures from Moses (Duet. 6:5, Lev. 19:18). Since the Pharisees believed in Moses, it smashed their plans.
I’m sure you’re with me on this one, love is one of God’s cherished attribute. So, it’s significant for us to love God by abiding in Christ and showing this to others.
In my experience loving Christ and God is a profound awareness of their divine presence. And the reason is the Holy Spirit. For me, God’s Spirit brings an inner-peace so mighty it leaves no doubt His love entered my soul. This is when I understood Christ’s definition of God’s love.
Loving others is my biggest challenge. As stated above, before salvation, sin crippled my ability to love others. Even though Christ is my Savoir and freed me from the bondage of sin the temptation to treat others still causes me disobedience. And not forgiving others is the enemy.
When I hold on to hurt feelings from the sins of others, it stops me from loving them. This puts me in conflict with Christ wisdom (Matthew 6:15) and hardens my heart. But the moment I’m willing to forgive, then I find a love for them. I’m thankful Christ continues to show me God’s way.
Given these points, we discover love is God’s an incredible gift. This is a brief understanding of Christ’s affection. More comprehensive knowledge of this amazing consciousness lies in daily devotion to Jesus.
How do you experience God’s Love?