God’s truth is unshakable. Throughout history, man has tried his best to debunk and erase His omnipotence. Humanity can’t change the fact of God’s sovereignty. No matter how someone views the origin of life, they can’t do away with His truth. For God created everything good (Genesis 1).
One of the biggest debates between believers and people who reject God is why sin exists. Nonbelievers can’t grasp evil and refuse to accept its paralyzing grip. When Adam and Eve fell from His grace (Genesis 3), He changed His way of interacting with humanity. Instead of having perfect harmony with Him, humans now need to reach for the tree of life (Genesis 3:22).
Salvation’s Unshakable Truth
The greatest truth of salvation is that God delivered Christ into the world and sacrificed Him on the cross for the forgiveness of sin. This stark reality is the essence of eternal life. I must accept Christ’s death, resurrection, and ascension back into heaven to enter God’s house. Anything less than faith in Jesus isn’t sufficient (John 14:6) and excludes me from heaven.

It’s unimaginable that God allowed Christ to die (John 19:30). Yet, He did, and this shows us His incredible compassion to save us from everlasting damnation. In the Old Testament, He allowed animal sacrifices to glorify Him. But His new covenant (Luke 22:20) replaces animal offerings with His only sacrifice (His Son, Jesus Christ). For this reason, He made Jesus the entrance into heaven (Matthew 7:13-14).
God’s gift of salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9) bears witness to the truth of His love for humanity. He never intended for us to remain separated from His grace. This reality is another critical point in His unshakable truth, for He wants human beings to repent (2 Peter 3:9).
Jesus is salvation’s truth.
My Story
Before God saved me, coincidences and skepticism led my heart. I used coincidence for the reason of good and became a skeptic when presented with God’s solution as the answer to life’s mystery. My agnostic beliefs blocked me from discovering His unshakable truth.
When I lived outside of salvation, my life spiraled out of control—my motivation for existing centered on self-gain. I knew nothing about God’s Spirit of selflessness and lived in selfish ambition. Indeed, self-centeredness fueled my prideful actions.
My reactions to life’s unfairness ended with resentment, rage, and hate. I became bitter at the world’s cruelty. The way I coped with these trials was to abuse alcohol and drugs, which created more trouble. Everything I tried to relieve me from this self-destructive darkness made it worse.
It brings me great joy to share with you God’s unshakable truth. I’m no longer living in sin’s bondage. He rescued me from Satan’s domain, placed me in Christ, and anointed me with the Holy Spirit. His gift of reconciliation shows me that when I sin, repentance is the key to His grace (1 John 2:1-2).
This doesn’t give me the right to transgress against Him blatantly. No, I must exert myself in growing with the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). This means my devotion must anchor itself in Christ’s Deity, make prayer my top priority, and glorify God.

We are fortunate that God saved us. In today’s culture, we face increasing hostility toward believing in His unshakable truth. It’s difficult living among people who mock God and do their best to discard the reality of His kingdom. They won’t believe His word and ridicule the Bible’s truth. Their refusal of God’s ultimate authority guarantees them eternal condemnation (John 15:5-6).
How do you see God’s unshakable truth?