God’s gift of salvation isn’t about me. No, I had nothing to do with His decision. He shed His grace on me, activated my faith in Christ, and anointed me with the Holy Spirit. For those reasons, I can’t take credit for His gift of eternal life.
My Testimony
I know what’s it like living outside God’s kingdom. Before my conversion, the bondage of sin engulfed my mind, heart, spirit, and body. Everything I lived for manifested a life anchored in sin. Transgressions brought me joy, and inequities gave me pleasure. And when people shared Christ’s Gospel, my agnosticism unearthed my disbelief.
Alcoholism took center stage, and sexual lust dominated my soul. Resentments, rage, unforgiveness, and pride controlled my reactions to life’s circumstances. I hated myself and wanted to die.
My outlook on life centered on me. I enjoyed boasting about my accolades and making up phony stories so others could see my significance. Rarely did I think of others because self-ambition blinded me from seeing their needs. And when I did offer my help, I expected something in return. I thought life was all about me!

It brings me great joy to share that God pulled me out of self-centeredness and into a life filled with humility. I no longer seek out self-reliance because the Light of Christ and the conviction of the Holy Spirit changed my entire being.
In Christ
When God places us in Christ, we are reborn (John 3:3). Our hearts and spirits become cleansed from the desires of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21). We no longer live for ourselves because Jesus uses the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) to advance His discipleship.
One of the most remarkable scriptures shows us the fruitlessness of focusing on oneself.
Jesus said:
“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. (John 15:5, NKJV)
In this verse, Christ elevates the significance of abiding in Him. We see that He is the focal point of God’s salvation plan. My role is to deny myself, pick up my cross daily, and follow Him (Luke 9:23). The last part of this scripture unfolds the wisdom of my powerlessness. Without Jesus, life can’t avoid God’s wrath.
It’s an incredible revelation to know the might of King Jesus. When we rely on Jesus, we discover an inner strength unlike any other. With Christ, I can withstand temptations and find resolutions to problems only He can solve. He equips me with God’s whole armor (Ephesians 6:10-18). Jesus won the battle of spiritual warfare (John 16:33), and I can only overcome the devil’s schemes by trusting in Him.
As shown above, life in God’s house isn’t about me. No, it has all to do with glorifying Him through my faith and trust in Jesus. This is a brief discussion. Many other scriptures heighten this truth. God’s words have eternal consequences, and the one that saves is a life devoted to Christ!
What are your thoughts?