One of the greatest experiences in life is love. Everyone seeks love for it, comforts the heart, and soothe the soul. Yet, hate exists and some folks enjoy inflicting its venomous poison onto others.
Hate is troublesome because of its negative impact on the human spirit.
Why is that?
Because it’s an effective sin, Satan uses to turn humans away from God.
Remember, God removed Lucifer from heaven (Isaiah 14:12-13) and he uses hate to avenge his judgment.
Hate’s Devastating Consequences
I think you’ll agree with me when I say the devil’s clever ways; he uses hate are cunning. For example, Satan uses racism to manifest hate between ethnic groups. The devil creates a hostile environment between cultures leading to death and destruction.

Other illustrations of hate are envy, abortion, and self-hatred. Those sinful actions corrupt the soul, harden the heart, and lead to a life headed for eternal damnation. Some people commit suicide to stop the constant internal strife they experience.
Both the New and Old Testament heightens God’s opposition to hates unfavorable existence. And when Christ roamed the earth, He exposed the world’s hatred towards God (John 15:18-25).
I can almost hear you thinking nothing good comes from hate. Yes, hate breeds resentment, bitterness and causes physical harm to others. It’s a way evil-doer provokes wicked action. A point often overlooked is hate leaves behind a trail of physical, mental devastation.

With this in mind, the devil works hard to twist the reality of Christ and he can’t tolerate us embracing God’s love (James 4:6).
God’s Protective Love
How do I know?
From personal experience.
Before God saved me, I was a drunkard and full of self-hatred. I wanted to die. As a matter of fact, I attempted suicide but the Lord protected me from physical death. His love for me stopped the devil’s plan to kill me. And for that, I’m forever grateful for His affection.
As shown above, hate separates us from Jesus Deity.
What’s the solution?
God’s love!
Here’s something we both can agree on is nothing the world offers matches our Father’s love. His love gave Adam and Eve a second chance (Genesis 3:22). And because He loved them His grace is extended to us today. How exceptional is that?
God’s Incredible Love
As if that’s not enough He sacrificed His Son Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sin. This selfless display of His love shows He wants to save humanity from the evil one. Amazing isn’t it?
In fact, love is God’s greatest commandment to mankind (Matthew 22:37-38).

Love comes from God. Once a person receives His affection a spiritual transformation takes root and the individual’s heart purifies. This supernatural conversion leads a person to extend this incredible love to others. For, loving others is God’s second greatest commandment (Matthew 22:39).
Extending God’s Love To Others
Here’s the interesting part God’s love radiates through us showing those around us His powerful presence. As a result of His comfort we are able to love our enemies (Matthew 5:43-48). The best part is love prevails over sin (1 Peter 4:8).
Given these points, we know our Father’s love is divine, pure with an eternal destination of heaven!
How do you love in times of hate?