We’ve walked through Christ’s Sermon on the Mount, and it’s time to share my final thoughts. I hope this Narrow Gate Series enlightened your faith in Christ. It was my intention to show how the narrow gate fits into salvation.
For me, the primary lessons I learned from this sermon are listening to Christ’s words, applying His truths to my daily life, and building a stronger reliance on God. Besides those, using Jesus’s blueprint for praying (Matthew 6:5-15) allows me the best approach in bringing my petitions to God’s presence. When I follow these actions, God draws me closer to His Spirit and an indescribable oneness with the Holy Trinity emerges. And I’m able to navigate through the narrow gate.

Heaven’s Threshold
In these three chapters (5,6,7) of Matthew’s Gospel, we catch a vivid image of the way Christ administered God’s truth. We see the holy principles required to enter the narrow gate. From the Beatitudes to the rock-solid spiritual foundation Christ brings to believers, we gained valuable insight into God’s rules for His kingdom membership.
Jesus’s well-known homily started with a set of holy attributes worthy of living in God’s presence. In the Beatitudes, we find divine principles of humility, righteousness, mercy, peace, and the courage to not be ashamed of the Gospels. These Christian standards strengthen our faith and our spiritual gifts are given from God to advance His kingdom (1 Corinthians 12:4-11).
It’s in this part of Matthew’s Gospel, Christ shows us the right behaviors needed to stay inside the narrow gate. He teaches us loving people who we dislike, selfless service, praying from the heart, faithful reliance on God, and reconciling with others to keep us in favor with our Father. In return, the Holy Spirit manages our souls and we find the courage to stay within the small opening of heaven.
The interesting part of salvation is our spiritual maturity. These godly principles Christ brought to our attention allow us to grow our faith and advance our holy wisdom. For example, loving our enemy isn’t a one-time occurrence because we have several adversaries. So, every time we love them, our knowledge of God’s commandments matures. This spiritual progress isn’t limited to love but is the essence of every holy standard God gives His faithful followers.
In Apostle Peter’s second epistle, he shows how to grow faith (2 Peter 1:5-11). And Paul discussed Scripture as the ultimate authority in growing our conscious awareness of Christ’s words (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
Hell’s Entrance
Jesus clarified Satan controls the wide gate. Christ identified murder, anger, sexual lust and divorce lead to spiritual destruction. He showed a life filled with pride that expands Lucifer’s ungodly agenda. These sins prove the wicked deeds evildoers do to separate humanity from God.

Indeed, Christ’s Sermon on the Mount proves the only way to see the narrow gate is by adhering to His words. For without understanding these truths, I stay in the wide gate’s darkness.
I’ve touched on a few thoughts at the narrow gate. My limited knowledge shows me the need to learn more, but the Holy Spirit continues opening my eyes to God’s marvelous Light. Here’s something we can agree on: abiding in Christ allows us access to the infinite wisdom of God!
What’s your choice?