One of the most astonishing realities of salvation is our holy resurrection. God’s eternal plan includes our return to a life without sin and perfectly harmonious with Him (Revelation 21). Indeed, God and Christ promise that we will rise from the dead and become immaculate.
Christ’s Resurrection
When I meditate on Christ’s resurrection, it brings me incredible joy. My heart becomes full of love, and the Holy Spirit fills my soul with God’s presence. This overwhelming holy consciousness leaves me no doubt of the Lord’s undeniable existence.
We can agree that Jesus’s rising from the dead separates us from every false religion. No other books proclaim the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Only God’s written word, as laid down in the Holy Bible, gives testimony to this miraculous supernatural truth!

If I don’t believe in my innermost self, God rose Christ from the dead, my place in heaven stays elusive (Romans 10:9). Indeed, my eternal resting destination depends on this crucial Christian truth. But accepting God’s gift of salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9) and Christ’s resurrection secures my eternal life.
Humanity’s Resurrection
Jesus shared, clarified, and highlighted His absolute authority on God’s truth. Christ made it known that He is the Lord’s Son and the only way into heaven (John 14:6). Before Jesus revealed this revelation, He unveiled humanity’s resurrection.
In the fifth chapter of John’s Gospel, Christ unpacked His plan to raise all humans from the grave.
Jesus said:
“Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out—those who have done what is good will rise to live, and those who have done what is evil will rise to be condemned
John 5:28-29
In these two scriptures, Christ shows us the truth of our resurrection and where our place in the afterlife ends. It’s here where Jesus raises humans from the graves and separates believers and those who rejected God’s New Covenant (Luke 22:20).
We are fortunate to know the truth of our everlasting existence. God’s gift of salvation unearthed our road to heaven with undeniable certainty. This incredible truth provides us with a strength more powerful than everything Satan throws our way (John 10:29).
This Biblical passage shows a bodily resurrection. Yes, we all will experience both physical and spiritual return. The neat thing about human resurrection is that it can happen at the rapture (Matthew 24:40-41) or if we died before that event. This part of God’s plan gives testimony to His omnipotence.

We have taken a brief look at the human resurrection. It isn’t hard to grasp. Christ tells me to believe in Him or live my eternal life in everlasting damnation. I don’t want to end up before Christ and be cast down to hell (Matthew 7:21-23).