Narrow Gate Series
Pursuing God’s sovereign grace brings you to the narrow gate. And inside this gate is heaven.
Again, thank you for continuing to read the narrow gate series. I understand there’s much to unpack learning Christ’s Sermon on the Mount.
Can you believe we are at week seven?
In this section of Jesus’s doctrine, He shows pursuing God’s grace brings undeniable results.
Let’s look at Christ’s essential words:
7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
Matthew 7:7-8
These two scriptures illuminate God’s profound omnipotence. Jesus unwraps God’s powerful might. He gives us wisdom into the Lord’s supreme capabilities. Christ says when we ask God for help, He gives without hesitation. He states seeking after our Father in heaven, we find His divine revelations. And by knocking on the narrow gate, God opens the door to His kingdom.

God’s Sovereign Grace
Then Jesus shows how God never gives the wrong outcome to our personal needs.
9 “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake?
Matthew 7:9-10
It’s in these verses Christ points out God’s truthfulness and how He won’t lead us into false promises. Have you ever noticed God’s answers aren’t what we expected? Why? Because we don’t know what’s in our best interest, but He does. For that reason, God replies with astonishing wisdom and we find incredible strength to overcome adversity.
After Jesus unearthed God’s superior authority, then He showed God’s irrefutable love for humanity.
Christ said this:
11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!
Matthew 7:11
It may surprise you that Christ calls us evil. But, it’s true. Remember, the devil lied to Eve (Genesis 3:4-5) and she succumbed to his deception (Genesis 3:6). Her disobedience included Adam’s fall, and this sin separated them from God’s grace. From that point forward, every human being’s birth begins with sin (Romans 5:12). For this reason, our Father in heaven gives salvation to those He chooses.
Jesus acknowledges humanity gives splendid gifts to children. This implies God’s written law is in man’s heart (Jeremiah 31:33). But He clarifies God’s gifts far exceed those given by humanity. It’s here Christ pronounces God is almighty and never fails to provide us with the strength to live holy.

Treating Others with Holiness
We end this week with Jesus speaking about treating others as you want them to treat yourself.
12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.
Matthew 7:12
Christ reemphasizes following God’s commandment is a significant necessity when dealing with other people (Matthew 6:31). Who doesn’t want others to show them love, respect, and kindness? But instead, our sinful nature uses anger, resentment, and intolerance when interacting with other people. This is why Jesus reminds us to pass on God’s affection, mercy, and forgiveness to our neighbors.
When we show others God’s love, peace, and humility, it testifies to the way Christ works through our hearts because they witness the Holy Spirit. This spiritual interaction between us and others isn’t easy to keep, for we do fall short and revert to sinful behaviors. But with a persevering faith and reliance on Christ, we stay on the straight and narrow.
In the last part of this scripture, Christ tells us He’s ending His lessons on God’s Law and the Prophets. Jesus’s previous lessons in this sermon are clarifications on God’s Law and the role the Prophets played in carrying this message to the Lord’s people.

These are a few thoughts in regard to this week’s lesson. By pursuing God’s sovereign grace, we discover holiness equipped to handle the trials and tribulations found in a world riddled with wickedness. The interesting part of seeking God is how the Holy Spirit releases an unbelievable oneness with Christ and God. This intuitive holy awareness inspires us to abandon ourselves to Jesus.
Until next week, peace be with you.