Fruit of the Spirit Series
After Adam and Eve’s fall from God’s grace (Genesis 3), the Lord implemented self-control. Impulsive thoughts and actions are the results of sin. Temptations are Satan’s way of enticing me to sin and cause problems with my relationship with Christ. Without self-discipline, my disobedience toward God stays unchecked.
The Wisdom of Self-Control
Apostle Paul listed self-control as a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), and Disciple Peter tells us to add it to our faith (2 Peter 1:5). So, to be taught by two of Christ’s trusted servants gives relevance to the purpose of self-control.
God gave us a conscience for a reason. He knew that the moment humanity tapped into good and evil, a conscious awareness between His holiness and Lucifer’s hatred became necessary. Our conscience is the sense of right and wrong. When I act in ways unsuitable to God, my soul becomes disturbed, leaving me queasy.
Learning to live by self-restraint isn’t easy. The devil is a mighty adversary to God’s sovereignty. Satan uses cunning ways to lure me away from Jesus. One of the ways our enemy uses to separate us from God is attacking our minds. The devil uses defilement to control our minds, heart, and spirit.
Jesus said:
For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person.”
Mark 7:21-23
Christ starts by telling us that an intense yearning for disobedience lies within ourselves and from our innermost selves. He lists thirteen detrimental infractions of God’s holy statutes. These sins show us the need for self-control.
Without Jesus, transgressions multiply and drive me further away from God. These inequities render me powerless over their detrimental consequences. They defile my heart and keep me from God’s grace.
My worst enemies are evil thoughts, sexual immorality, deceit, sensuality, and pride. Before God saved me, those sins dominated my heart. I was defenseless from their devastating consequences. I’m pleased to announce the Holy Spirit gave me the gift of self-control, and they are kept at bay. And when they resurface, I have Christ’s power to overcome them (John 16:33).

The Essence of Self-Restraint
Self-control requires building a personal relationship with God through abiding in Christ and following the Holy Spirit’s guidance. It’s in the blessed Trinity that non-indulgence in sinful actions becomes possible.
The ingredients for self-discipline are faith, trust, prayer, and courage. These Christian attributes bring forth God’s strength to remain inside the narrow gate. They keep me anchored in His truths. When I put in the effort to practice these virtues, self-control emerges, for they equip me with the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6:11-13).
Without placing Christ at the center of my life, I act out in unruly behavior. This makes me powerless over Satan’s undeniable ability to stop me from adhering to God’s commandments. A life void from Jesus doesn’t end well. No, it leads to an unpleasant eternal destination (hell).

As can be seen, self-control is crucial to our walk with Christ. With Christian self-discipline, I can find God’s wisdom and act according to His holiness while living in a world full of unholiness.
What are your thoughts on self-control?