I think you’ll agree that suiting up with God’s armor is the only defense against Satan’s hellish plans. For the Lord’s mighty power makes the devil flee. And with His spiritual protection, we discover serenity under every circumstance.
The world’s sinful behavior isn’t new. Every past generation gives testimony to this truth. This reality dates back to the Garden of Eden, when sin entered the heart of Adam and Eve (Genesis 3). From that point onward, our separation from God started.
But God didn’t intend for this segregation to stay permanent. No, He loved man and unveiled a way back into His grace (Genesis 3:22 John 14:6).
Spiritual Warfare
One of the most compelling definitions of spiritual warfare came from Apostle Paul. He disclosed it to the Ephesians.
Paul said:
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
(Ephesians 6:10-12 NIV)
I’m sure you’re with me on this one. Spiritual warfare is real, powerful, and destructive. The world is full of evil. There are evildoers working for Satan and turning people away from Christ. And without God’s armor, I’m defenseless over Lucifer’s temptation.
The Old Testimony shows how Noah’s generation lived in constant evilness (Genesis 6:5). Moses had to go up against a mighty Pharaoh who wouldn’t set free God’s chosen people until his son died (Exodus 12:30-31). The Prophet Habakkuk lived with violent people (Habakkuk 1:1-4).
When God delivered Christ into the world, it activated His New Covenant (Luke 22:20). Paganism ruled the land when Jesus walked on earth. And the Pharisees, Sadducees, and scribes misled God’s people through spiritual corruption.

Today, we witness a planet living in deception, personal passions, and disbelief in God. Governments making laws to promote sinful behavior reward evilness. Good isn’t right but deemed wicked, and praise for inequity is normal. Persecution for standing firm on Jesus’s Deity is on the increase.
A point often overlooked is the vigorous tenacity of the devil. Satan’s relentless tactics are too much for me to handle alone. I’m powerless over his reign and left to my limited might; I lose the battle. Every time I try to overcome spiritual warfare without the Holy Spirit, the results are disastrous.
God’s Armor
Now that we have a general understanding of spiritual warfare then, it’s time to suit up with God’s armor. Indeed, our Father wants to give us the strength and courage to defeat Satan.
Because He loves us, saves us, and rose His Son Jesus Christ from the dead for our place in heaven. So, at the cross, we find the full strength of God’s armor.
Our first arsenal in God’s armor is prayer and meditation. They set up a conscious awareness of His presence.
Prayer is an incredible presentation of His omnipotence. Every time He answers our petitions, our trust in Him grows more robust.
Meditation on His word protects our minds from defilement.
These two acts of faith offer victory over the devil because our commitment to God smashes his stronghold over an unsaved soul.

Let’s continue with Paul’s insight on God’s armor.
Paul spoke these words:
Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
Ephesians 6:14-17 (NIV)
In these four scriptures are six weapons that make sure the devil’s demise. Paul starts with truth and ends with God’s word. He highlights righteousness, the gospel, faith, and salvation.
The Lord’s truth is absolute, binding, and infinite. We know this because salvation teaches us the origin of our existence and our final eternal resting place (heaven or hell).
For believers, it supplies us with wisdom from heaven, where the Holy Spirit guides us in holiness and prevents Lucifer from penetrating God’s perfect honesty.
Those who reject the gospel truth live in everlasting darkness. They are hopeless and aimless. Their blindness to God’s truth has deadly consequences.
Righteousness results in sanctification. God renewed our minds, bodies, and souls with holiness. His grace shined into our darkness, bringing an endless supply of His eternal light. We find ourselves living in humility and doing good deeds that please Him.
Our spirits awaken to a life anchored in selfless service to Him, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and those around us. Selfishness fades away, and we serve the needs of others.
Paul heightens the gospel of peace. Yes, Christ’s Gospel brings God’s peace into our hearts. For without Jesus, I’m in constant battle with Him. I cannot experience God’s peace without Jesus.
It’s in Christ that we discover a love unlike any other. The essence of peace comes from the Lord’s affection, forgiveness, and grace. This spiritual attribute allows us to live calmly in a broken world filled with people who hurt us from their bondage to sin.

A life devoted to God relies on faith. It’s a conviction overflowing with praise for God’s gift of salvation through the bloodshed of Christ’s death. Faith produces a walk in Christ where the focus isn’t on the obvious but on virtues from heaven. These divine attributes bring forth the fruit of the Spirit and display God’s great precepts.
Paul’s final suit of armor is salvation administered through the Holy Spirit and embraced in God’s word. Our Father grants us salvation through grace and faith (Ephesians 2:8-9). In return, He places us in Christ, anointed with the Holy Spirit, and engulfed in His word. These three pieces of holy armor produce an unshakeable foundation too strong for Satan’s powers.
My Story
Before God saved me, I lived under Lucifer’s control. My life exemplified sinfulness, where transgression ruled my behavior. I woke up in the morning unprotected from the prince of darkness’s desire to keep me separated from God.
Profane language spewed from my mouth. Vengeance for doing me wrong became a significant attitude in my heart and soul. Resentment, rage, and physical altercations showed my unregenerated lifestyle. Of this behavior, others rejected me, and my family wasn’t fond of what I had become. Besides those destructive inequities, alcohol and drug abuse had their way with me.
It brings me great joy to share God’s tremendous changes in my life. I’m no longer attached to the devil’s paralyzing grip. No, He has given me His armor. I’m clothed in Christ’s eternal love. The Lord gave me my rebirth and empowered the Holy Spirit’s complete weapons to keep Satan at bay. And He will do this for anyone who hears His call and picks up their cross.
In my experience, I must start my day with prayer and meditation. My first defense against the devil’s temptations is prayer. It begins my day with God’s strength and prepares my heart with the courage to stand firm on His word. Without equipping myself with God’s mighty presence, my life is vulnerable to trouble.
Salvation doesn’t mean I’m perfect. I have to repent for my sins. But, when I put on God’s armor, the times I disobey are far between.
Final Thoughts
As shown above, is a brief description of God’s armor. A more comprehensive understanding of this reality lies in your willingness to suit up with His word and truth. Since God knows everything, it’s wise to reach for His armor.
Are you suiting up with God’s armor?