A Spirit of Thankfulness

A Spirit of Thankfulness

A spirit of thankfulness isn’t reserved for one day of the year like in the United States (Thanksgiving). No, in God’s kingdom, thankfulness is an inward gratitude for His love, which motivates me to give Him glory daily. Since I live in a broken world and face the...
Acceptance or Denial

Acceptance or Denial

Genesis One Verse Twenty-Seven When I look at Genesis One, verse twenty-seven, it places me at the door of acceptance or denial. I can either trust God’s omnipotence or rebel against His sovereignty. God’s Creation Of Gender It’s not by accident that God created two...
Psalm One’s Divine Wisdom

Psalm One’s Divine Wisdom

Part Three Over the past two weeks, we’ve looked at Psalm One’s divine wisdom. Part one, we saw how God deals with the unrighteous and the rewards He grants His chosen ones. In part two God shows us His outlook on believers. Now we are at part three where...