Do you struggle with temptations?
You’re not alone.
I understand the troubles Satan creates to take me away from Christ.
Believe me, spiritual warfare is real and over the past several months I sinned. And the effects of those allurements weakened my prayer life.
But through repentance, Christ renewed my spirit and strengthen my prayers. I’m thankful God saved me and opened my eyes to His grace.

The Reality of Temptations
Every man and woman face temptations. This traces back to Adam and Eve.
Unlike, His other creations He granted Adam and Eve domain over the earth (Genesis 1:28). Besides giving them this freedom, He asked them to stay away from the tree of life (Genesis 2:17).
But when temptation entered their presence, they caved into its demand (Genesis 3:1-6). And the result from their disobedience the relationship between humanity and God changed (Genesis 3:22). This holds true today (Romans 5:15).
Their penalties for turning away from God cost them a place in His garden (Genesis 3:24). This forced Adam to work the land for food and shelter. Eve’s discipline were the pains of childbearing and submission to her husband (Genesis 3:16-19).
The interesting part of this account God cursed Satan for his cunning ways (Genesis 3:14-15). This proves God is real and the Highest!
In, the Old Testament other examples of temptations emerge. For instant, the Israelites made a golden calf because they distrusted Moses (Deuteronomy 9:16). Jonah’s fear caused him the Lord’s favor and spent days in darkness (Jonah 1: 10-16). And when God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah a wife looked back at the destruction and perished (Genesis 19:26).
Those are but a few examples. The point is temptations aren’t imaginary but real.

Christ Crushes Temptations
When God delivered Christ into the world His new covenant with humanity started. This placed Jesus as the centerpiece to His kingdom. In fact, anyone who rejects His Son remains an outsider (John 14:6).
Here is something we both can agree on Jesus smashed the devil’s temptations (Matthew 4:1-11).
When we review Satan’s day with Christ it opens the door to a life freed from the bondage of sin. Here Jesus responded to the devil with God’s truth and from that point forward Lucifer fled in defeat.
Every time God’s enemy baited Christ with disobedience He squashed them with the truth. Jesus pointed out the crucial need for spiritual food (Deuteronomy 8:3), don’t tempt the Father (Deuteronomy 6:16), and to worship and serve God (Deuteronomy 6:13).
Here’s the bottom-line God’s word prevailed and Satan cringed in failure. Amazing isn’t it?

Overcoming Temptations
What’s the solution?
As shown above, Jesus destroyed Satan’s power and when I abide in Him temptation weakens. Without Him, the courage and strength needed to walk away from evilness remain elusive.
Here’s how it works… The more I place myself in Christ the stronger my trust in God materializes. I must rely on Christ to overcome temptations. Because failure to do so leads to unnecessary sin. And trespasses offend God.
The best way to overcome trials and tribulations is prayer. Yes, humbling myself before God is the key to moving past temptations. It’s in prayer I find Christ’s daily bread. And with Jesus, the spiritual weapons essential in living in God’s Spirit emerges.
I’m sure you’re with me on this one…
Temptation isn’t new (1 Corinthians 10:13). And selfless service to Christ frees us from them.
How do you overcome temptations?

Thank you Walter!!! I’ve been praying for help and here it is 🙏🙏🙏
Hello there Bobbi Smith. Thanks for stopping by and sharing. I’m grateful you were able to find help. I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas. Keep hanging in there. God bless you Bobbi and your family.