One of the identifying characteristics of living in God’s kingdom is the fruit of the Spirit. Apostle Paul shared this truth in his epistle to the Galatians. Paul is the perfect example of how the conversion from spiritual darkness into the Light of Christ brings forth these essential Christian principles. Remember, Paul persecuted believers of Jesus, but Christ saved him from eternal damnation (Acts 9:3-6).
In chapter five of Galatians, Paul brought into perspective nine attributes showing the transformation from a sinner to a member of God’s kingdom. Over the next several weeks, we will look at each specific virtue.
Paul starts the list with love. We can agree God places a significant emphasis on love. We witness how love plays a crucial part in salvation throughout the Bible. God’s gift of the Holy Spirit shows how much He loves us.
Joy is the second spiritual-moral behavior Paul highlights as a fruit of the Spirit. It’s in joy we express our deep thankfulness for Christ’s compassion. This happiness goes beyond a simple acknowledgment of God’s grace. Indeed, it’s an exaltation of God’s precepts.
Next on his list is peace. Yes, Christ shared that peace from God is supernatural (John 14:27). World peace concerns itself with a temporary solution to the conflicts between nations or people. But Jesus’s peace is an everlasting serenity. This accord with God is an incredible awakening to eternal life.
Forbearance shows those around us the way the Holy Spirit provides us with the guidance of good-natured tolerance towards others. Patience is an extension of God’s persistent faithfulness.

The virtue of kindness is a demonstration of Christ’s undeniable presence. Jesus works through us, and when we show others our tenderness, they are experiencing the Holy Spirit. Sharing kindness pleases God because we are manifesting His will.
Paul puts goodness as an illustration of the Lord’s remarkable selflessness. Acting in good faith helps others see the invisible workings of the Holy Spirit. It allows those around us to experience God’s grace.
The fruit of the Spirit includes faithfulness. When God saves a soul, faith emerges. Every promise from God is an example of His commitment to sanctify our lives. When our Father places us in Christ, it becomes our responsibility to put our faith into action. We do this by following God’s commandment and trusting Jesus’s teachings.
Kindness coupled with goodness brings forth gentleness. God father’s us with elegance. He doesn’t force us to follow Him, but we discover His gentleness when we abandon ourselves to His purpose. And when we share this good news with others, gentleness is the best approach because it isn’t an attack on their sinful nature.
Paul finishes the fruit of the Spirit with self-control. Sin causes us to act in disobedience to God’s commandments. Our Father placed inside our spirit a conscience as a defense against sinning. Without salvation, self-control has no effect. But when God brings us into His Light, the Holy Spirit gives us the power to turn away from disobedience and stay within the narrow gate.

As shown above, these are summaries of the workings of the Spirit. Let’s unite together and dive more deeply into the fruit of the Spirit. I hope you join in next week to share your experience with love.