Here’s something we both can agree on Christ is in control. Remember, God’s New Covenant is Jesus and without the Messiah, no one enters His kingdom (John 14:6).
The current coronavirus is a pandemic creating sickness and death across the planet. This frightening reality brings forth panic. However, the world’s threat isn’t Covid-19 (Novel Coronavirus) but the unpardonable sin (Matthew 12:31-32).
Yes, my friend, it’s all about God’s truth. And as the circumstances from this evil force continue unfolding, many people stay blinded from Christ’s presence. The reason for their downfall they focus on personal lusts (Romans1:20).

I’m sure you’ll with me on this one… this isn’t God’s first time exposing the wickedness of man. Over humanity’s history, many viruses and diseases occurred. Their common thread is man’s inability to solve problems reserved for Christ. This gives testimony to God’s mighty powers (Matthew 19:26).
Believe me, it isn’t easy seeing the destruction of human life. It causes my heart discomfort and brings sorrow to my soul. But I understand God’s hand is in this outbreak of evilness.
For this reason, I trust Christ, and let the Holy Spirit guide me through this tribulation (Proverbs 3:5-6).
I think you’ll agree with me when I say God’s plan is tough to grasp. A point often overlooked; He finds no joy in watching the destruction of His creation (2 Peter 3:9). However, man isn’t blameless since He made Himself known to everyone (Romans 1:18-21).
As shown above, the world’s rejection of Christ is disastrous. But God’s New Covenant prevails and replaces fear with an incredible inner-peace unlike any other known to humanity. This isn’t by mistake but from Jesus’s design for faithful living (John 14:27).

Now that we see the pandemic as the devil’s satanic deed, our response must radiate a life anchored in Christ. This means living in His Spirit and show an unshakable faith in God. With this in mind, we become fearless. Remember, anxiety is a lack of faith (2 Corinthians 13:5).
In the Old Testimony God made several covenants. The most famous was Noah’s (Genesis 9:17). This covenant sealed His promise not to destroy His creation through flooding the earth. After Noah’s death, He kept His word and used Prophets to communicate with humanity. But because His people wouldn’t heed to His word, He delivered Christ into the world.
Here’s the interesting part of God’s New Covenant is anyone who accepts Christ finds salvation (John 3:16). Now this is important because it’s God’s last covenant with humanity. And this is where people run into trouble because they are lukewarm to His word.
So what’s my point?
It’s picking up my cross and abiding in Christ. It’s a daily preparation centered in Jesus meditating on God’s truth throughout the day.
Given these points, our ability to overcome this pandemic rest on our faith. God placed us in Christ (John 17:20-26) and gave us spiritual courage to overcome everything in the world. Jesus is the reason we live for God!