Christ the Reality of Heaven

May 22, 20170 comments

Imagine a place full of peace and filled with love. A home rich in spirit and deep in affection. An inhabitant brimming with kindness and overflowing with grace. Well, this residence exists and in Christ, we discover the reality of heaven.

God makes a believer’s life one worthy to receive His grace and sanctified through salvation in Jesus. Even in this broken world, the Lord brings us relief from the spiritual pain sin causes to our hearts. In fact, Christ gives us the Holy Spirit, and this allows us to live free on a planet anchored in wickedness.

Once we abandon our personal agenda and pick up our cross, then a glimpse of eternal life enters our lives. God wants us to experience His Spirit so we can find serenity while we live on the corrupted earth. Likewise, Christ comforts us from Satan’s cunning ways.

When I meditate on heaven, it makes me excited. Besides the obvious of meeting Christ and glorifying God the company the Lord puts me in is astonishing. Every one of those men and women of the Bible God saved awaits me.

I’m grateful to God for including me with His elite trusted servants.

The moment God saved us our affiliation with those incredible people of the Bible emerged.

In the Old Testament Abraham, Moses, Isaiah, Habakkuk, Job, and Micah are there to welcome us. Ruth, Esther, Sarah, Leah, Rachel, and Deborah are there to embrace us with love. Those are a few of many God’s chosen ones before His deliverance of Christ.

Switching over to the New Testament our alliance continues. Peter, Thomas, Bartholomew, Andrew and the other seven original Disciples watch for our ascension into heaven. In like manner, Mary of Magdalen, Martha, Sapphira, Anna, and Phoebe look for our coming.

Wow God joins us with an exceptional list of faithful followers. This is not of our making but a gift from Him through our willingness to accept Christ as His entry into heaven. As shown above, our family is impressive!

Who are you most looking forward to meeting in heaven?



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