Fruit of the Spirit Series
We have been reviewing the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) and have come to the fourth principle on its list. Patience is a virtue packed with wisdom. Our knowledge of His divine wisdom increases when we wait for God’s answers. This incredible insight into His precepts allows us to live holy.
In the world we live in, patience isn’t a noticeable accolade. No, people are in a rush. They show impatience when obstacles get in the way. They become frustrated and react in sinful ways.
Besides the world’s lack of patience, some Christians are unable to wait for God’s answers. They want instant responses, and when the Lord doesn’t respond to their expectations, they doubt prayer is worth the effort.
God’s Forbearance
When we honestly view God, it becomes obvious He demonstrates forbearance. The Old and New Testaments show this truth in how He waited for humanity to turn from their sins and enter His kingdom.
For example, in Noah’s generation, God commanded him to build a massive ark. This task took years to finish. While Noah constructed this vessel, it gave humanity time to repent and live by His standards. But the reality of this time in human history is that they failed to glorify Him and received His wrath (Genesis 7).
God’s chosen people killed His Prophets. Despite this saddening truth, our Father waited for them to gravitate to His Light and repent. But again, they refused to hear His voice, and God waited for them to seek His holiness.
Another illustration of our Lord’s long-suffering came in the four hundred years between His last Prophet (Malachi) and the arrival of Christ. The Bible doesn’t record what occurred during this time, but we can attest that God’s presence was alive. Our Father is always present whether we sense His presence. Mary, God’s chosen mother of His Son, shows that He gave salvation to faithful followers during this era.
It’s been almost two thousand years since Christ walked on earth, and God still shows patience. Our Lord wants salvation for every one (2 Peter 3:9) and continues to allow people the chance to repent. But we know a time is coming when His forbearance will end, and the return of Jesus brings forth His final wrath.

Patience’s Wisdom
Impatience isn’t wise. No, it opens the door for trouble when I’m in a rush. To my annoyance, I make more mistakes than usual. I become irritable and resentful. My behavior changes from tolerance to frustration.
I think you’ll agree that patience is an incredible Christian attribute bringing spiritual wisdom. When we wait for God’s response and discover His answers, the Holy Spirit shows us the insight behind His forbearance. And this experience allows us to mature in our walk with Christ.
Sometimes I anticipate the outcome of God’s reaction to my needs, but He knows what’s best for me and unveils a course of action different from any I could imagine. And I gain wisdom from His patience.
One of the toughest Christian challenges is showing patience with other believers. It’s easy to show intolerance to our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. We want them to understand our point of view and become indifferent when they don’t respond to our beliefs. Remember, we live in God’s kingdom, and the Holy Spirit unites us in one mind.
I’m grateful for God’s patience. When I turned away from Him and drank alcohol for eight years, He waited for me to ask for help. That day came, and when I prayed for relief from alcoholism, God removed my obsession with addiction. Then He placed me in Christ, and the Holy Spirit continues to supply me with wisdom.

As shown above, patience fosters wisdom. The more we practice forbearance, the more our ability to respond holy under all circumstances emerges. It prevents us from reacting to life’s terms with sinful behavior.
Do you find wisdom in patience?