Salvation is God’s greatest gift. His grace coupled with faith (Ephesians 2:8-9) unlocks Christ’s mystery (John 14:1-6). And trust solves the secrecy of God’s kingdom.
Trust plays a crucial part in our walk with God. Indeed, without it, Christian knowledge stays dormant (James 1:5-6). I think you’ll agree with me when I say holy wisdom opens the door to an unshakable spiritual foundation.
How do we trust Jesus?
First, let’s define its meaning. In the Merriam-Webster dictionary, they say this: belief that someone or something is reliable, good, honest, effective, etc. These words are excellent descriptions showing the spiritual fruit of trusting God.
Trusting Christ
Here’s something we both can agree on: trust begins with belief. Yes, God made Christ’s humanity’s last covenant. So, faith becomes the basis for entry into heaven. It’s in our Christian conviction we start our eternal journey.
With that said, it’s important to hear from Jesus on this imperative reality.
In John’s Gospel, Christ highlighted this revelation.
Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life. John 5:24.
Here, our Savior heightens God as the true creator. He taught listening to Him and having faith in our Father has everlasting life. And did you notice the promise Christ unveiled? As the result of knowing God sent Jesus, He spares our spiritual death and guarantees our place in eternity! How awesome is that?
Another outstanding example of Christian belief is:
Jesus said to him, “Thomas because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
John 20:29
This doctrine spoken by Christ over two thousand years ago remains valid today. The second part applies to ourselves. Since we didn’t bear witness to Jesus’ existence on earth, our belief in His Deity pleases God. In return, God blessed our faith and renders us holy.
As shown above, trusting Christ glorifies God.

The Insight of Trust
Trust unpacks God’s reliability. When we abide by Christ, God’s astonishing loyalty emerges. Our souls connect with the Holy Spirit and we discover His constant presence. In fact, our conscious awareness of His faithfulness increases (2 Thessalonians 3:3).
I’m sure you’re with me on this one: in the beginning, God’s creations exemplified His goodness (Genesis 1-31). But when Adam and Eve fell from God’s grace (Genesis 3:1-13) His original agreement with humanity changed (Genesis 3:14-19). For this reason, our Father made trusting Him a significant part of His plan of redemption (Genesis 3:22).
Honesty is one of God’s greatest attributes. His unadulterated truth testifies to His sovereign existence. Everything about God manifests His pure integrity. But to gain access to this elite wisdom, one must trust in His eternal plan. And the death, resurrection, and ascension of His Son Jesus Christ are prime examples of His veracity.
Trust brings a profound effect on our lives. Without faith, Satan turns our temptations into lustful passions that God dislikes. Here’s the interesting part, with trust, Christ separates us from the devil’s sinful bait (1 Corinthians 10:13). Trust activates a strength beyond our own and allows us the courage to live in an evil world.

My Trusting Experience
Here’s how it works for me. I struggled at work. The job wasn’t the issue, but the way management handled problems lacked solid solutions. Even though I was a supervisor, those troubles were out of my authority role. I stuck it out for a few years but resigned.
Before I left the job, I spent several months asking God for direction. One day, He revealed His insight on how to go ahead. His arrangement meant leaving the job without having another. I trusted Him and found peace with the settlement.
Now that He freed me from the job, I continued trusting Him to find a better employer. I prayed and asked Him for guidance. He didn’t disappoint and now I have a new job where management listens. He planted me in a caring work environment. I love it and thank Him. This exposure to His marvelous kingdom inspires me to want more of His presence.
Those are a few illustrations on trust. The Holy Bible holds many other lessons. I encourage you to continue growing your trust in God.
How do you trust God?