I trust the Bible because God’s truth transformed my life. I’ve found every solution to the world’s troubles in God’s word, and this reality builds an unshakable trust in His sovereignty.
One of the most remarkable scriptures that fosters trust in the Bible comes from Second Timothy chapter three.
Paul shared this:
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16-17, EVS)
These two verses give me confidence in walking in God’s truth. Every time I disobey Him, He uses the Bible to reprimand me, correct my sin and show me the righteousness of His holiness. Once I repent, then He uses me for His will. It’s in acting upon this reality that my trust becomes stronger because He never fails to restore my faith.

Another excellent scripture illustrating trust in the Bible comes from Hebrews chapter four.
The author said:
For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)
As shown above, God is alive and active in my life. His words are all-powerful, separating the flesh from the fruit of the Spirit and unveiling the heart’s desire. The last part of this scripture builds my faith in God because the Bible discloses the motives of my heart and teaches me His divine ordinances.
My Experience
When God reveals something, it’s new to me but not to His word. His revelations, without fail, always lead back to the Bible. He doesn’t show me favoritism and declares something unknown to others (Romans 2:11). This encounter assures me of the authenticity of the Bible.
Early in my salvation, I would weep when praying. God used the Holy Spirit to teach me why I cried and led me to the first two Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-4). I learned that my spirit was poor, and I mourned over my sinfulness. God comforted me and showed me that I belong in His kingdom. With this consciousness of His presence, I started understanding God’s compassion.
In the Bible, God uses the Holy Spirit to show me evidence of His love, mercy, and forgiveness. There is no better testimony to this truth than His sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ. This inconceivable phenomenon isn’t found anywhere else except in the Bible. I trust God’s salvation plan because the Spirit of truth convicted my heart to this eternal reality.
Besides Jesus’s death, His resurrection and ascension are trustworthy. I believe in my innermost self that Christ is the only way (John 14:6). My faith in God’s final covenant leaves no doubt that I must seek Him or face infinite condemnation.

I trust the Bible because the Holy Spirit always unveils God’s precepts. The fruit it produces (Galatians 5:22-23) increases my conviction in the Lord. Every time I show this fruit, my Christian credence enlarges.
Final Thoughts
These are a few reasons I trust the Bible. My sanctification is an ongoing process. God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit continue showing me scriptures I don’t remember or have yet to experience. I love God’s way and enjoy learning more about His undeniable truth.
Why do you trust the Bible?