Don’t Be Troubled

Apr 17, 201612 comments

It’s tough not to be troubled living in a broken world.  The wickedness of evildoers is front page news. Every newscast highlights the problem sins creates and replays it time and again. We can’t ignore the unpalatable truth of sin.

The good news is God hasn’t given up on humanity and provided us a way out of trouble. He did this for Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:22) and us today. We are blessed to receive God’s grace and understand the freedom Christ brings to our lives.


Moses became troubled over God’s command for him to take on Pharaoh and free the Israelites (Exodus 3:11). Moses knew this would not be easy but followed God’s instructions and led His children out of captivity. God showed Pharaoh His mighty wrath and forced Egypt’s king to free God’s people.

Another strong Biblical example of not becoming alarmed from the troubles of the world is Noah. God guided him to build an ark (Genesis 6:14-16) and separate himself from humanity. Noah followed God’s command and became God’s new covenant (Genesis 9:1-17).

The common denominator between Noah and Moses was trusting God’s plan. Neither of them walked away from God. They didn’t say to God find someone else to carry out those impossible commands. Their faith in God outweighed everything standing in the way of carrying out God’s command. And the strength God provided them stopped Satan’s evil deeds.

How can we not be troubled?

The answer is simple, yet not everyone understands the solution. God made Christ the gateway to salvation, and Jesus identified the key that unlocks its door (Matthew 13:18-23).

It’s in Christ we find eternal security taking away our troubled outlook. The more we place our dependence on Christ, we find ourselves less concerned with world events. Christ provides us with God’s armor and dresses us in the breastplate of righteousness (Ephesians 6:13-14). With Christ as our leader, we can’t go wrong.


In my past, it was disturbing the way humans hurt each other. My outlook was incorrect since my focus was blaming God for the world’s problems. This led me to abandon God and live a life full of deception. It had taken a near-death experience before I was receptive to God’s calling and when I heard His voice everything changed.

I’m grateful God delivered me from evil and introduced me to Christ. It brings me joy to share with you the eternal impact God has granted me. Christ has become my top priority, and when I fall back into my old ways, He catches me and shows me the way back. Everything I need to know about God’s truth I have found in my relationship with Christ. And I become less troubled with the world because Christ has brought me to God’s Living Spirit.

In Christ, we are reborn ( John 3:5-8) and have awakened to the corrupted world. Then we understand our existence on earth is temporary (Philippians 3:20), and we focus on God’s truth than the sad state of the world. Remember my friend we are no longer living our lives for ourselves but for Christ (Matthew 10:39).

When you become troubled stop and take a moment to reflect on Christ’s peace. Meditate on God’s promises and absorb Christ’s love. You are never alone because God doesn’t abandon the faithful!  






  1. Carol

    Well said. I appreciate your testimony and the encouragement to keep focus on the Lord.


      Hello, Carol and it’s good to hear from you. I have to stay focused because I know the difference Christ’s makes and it’s God who has made this possible. God bless you, your family and friends.

  2. Ariella

    Powerful. Thanks for your reminder in this hard times.


      Thanks, Ariell and we both know trusting God is our way out of hard times. Every day we face hidden situations which only God can relieve and once we find the peace then our faith strengthens. God bless you and family. Christ be with you my friend.

  3. Sherry Carter

    We become troubled when we doubt that God is in control and that evil has already been defeated. It’s easy to lose sight of God’s eternal victory through Christ when we see the violence and immorality that fills our world. Thanks, Walter, for the reminder to keep our focus on Jesus


      Glad you stopped by Sherry. Thanks for expressing the way Christ continues to work in you and family lives. Yes, when we stay focused on Christ our troubles melt away and God’s grace enters our souls. May God continue to shine brighter each day of your life.

  4. Tamra

    I appreciate, cause I found exactly what I was looking for. You have ended my 4 day long hunt! God Bless you man. Have a great day. Bye


      Thanks for stopping by Tamra and sharing your faith. God is not dead my friend.

  5. deb palmer

    Thank you for encouraging us all to trust in the Lord. When life is smooth, it’s easy to say we trust but as you pointed out, when terror hits home, we can forget to look up. Super post. Thanks!


      I’m grateful for you Deb. We are fortunate to be called by God and given a way to move past the ugliness of the world and into a holy existence. Christ makes the difference and allows us to have a spiritual outlook in a grim world and the Holy Spirit highlights God’s beauty. May Christ continue to radiate His love in you, Sandy, your family and friends lives.

  6. Frendy Ace

    Life can feel overwhelming, but even the smallest comforts can make a difference. Just like wearing lost in space outfits can help you feel confident and unique, practices like mindfulness or reflexology can ground you in the present moment, helping ease worries and keep you balanced.

    • Walter Kahler

      Hello, Frendy Ace and thanks for sharing. I have tried many other ways to ease the troubling parts of life. For example following Self-help books and meditation prctices. However, the only solid relief I’ve found is Faith in Christ. Peace be with you.


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