The interesting part of living in Christ is God’s eternal wisdom. This incredible Biblical library gives spiritual solutions to wickedness, evilness, and Satan’s stronghold on the world. But His greatest wisdom is salvation through Jesus and this spares us from everlasting condemnation.
I think you’ll agree with me when I say humanity’s definition of wisdom isn’t the same as God’s.
Why is that?
Every human being enters the world with sin (Romans 5:12). And this means without God’s gift of salvation, humankind can’t receive Christ’s wisdom. So, the wisdom of an unsaved soul has limitations. The flesh centers itself on intellect instead of God’s truth.

Divine Wisdom
Our greatest source of divine wisdom comes from God’s word, manifested from Christ and administered through the Holy Spirit. It’s in the blessed Trinity that true wisdom emerges. And this discernment isn’t a one-time occurrence. It’s a daily devotion with a yearning to learn God’s truth.
I’m sure you’re with me on this one; God’s gift of salvation opened the door to His unlimited spiritual knowledge. It’s in His kingdom He places us in Christ and we discover a treasure trove of holy insight.
For Jesus anointed us with the Holy Spirit and gave us access to God’s eternal plan. And God uses the Spirit of truth to continue giving us an endless supply of divine wisdom.
Remember, Adam and Eve fell from God’s grace (Genesis 3:11). In fact, it clouded humanity’s moral judgment, causing people to enslave themselves to passions. It unleashed sin and allowed the devil control over the world. As the result of their disobedience of God’s commandment (Genesis 3:6), it blinded human beings’ ability to see our Father’s truth. But, God granted them a way back into His favor (Genesis 3:22).
What is divine wisdom?
It’s God’s word found in the Bible. Indeed, within its pages are profound spiritual knowledge rising above humanity’s intelligence. Divine wisdom is God’s supernatural truth.
For example, when Christ talked to Nicodemus and unearthed God’s regeneration plan (John 3:1-8), he couldn’t understand its reasoning. Nicodemus, a Pharisee, and a respected Jewish leader didn’t see this divine eternal reality (John 3:9-11).
If that’s not enough evidence separating God’s wisdom from man’s knowledge, then consider Moses’s conversation with Pharaoh. It’s in Moses’ generation, God supplied him with wisdom on how to free the Israelites from captivity. But the Lord’s people rejected Moses (Exodus 6:9) and didn’t recognize God’s divine wisdom.
It took ten plagues before Pharaoh turned the Israelites free and this shows how blinded the Egyptians were from God’s incredible omnipotence. Nothing the world offers past or present compares with God’s infinite wisdom.

Fruits from Transcendent Wisdom
We both can agree on; God’s transcendent wisdom bears holy fruits with astonishing results. Unlike humanity’s knowledge, the Lord’s wisdom brings us an abundance of powerful virtues. These attributes are stronger than Satan’s cunning temptations. And the devil flees from them because he knows Christ defeated Him long ago.
Jesus holds the key to holy foresight. One of His famous teachings unveiled the way people react to God’s word. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke record Christ’s supernatural wisdom on faith. It’s the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:3-9, Mark 4:2-9, Luke 8:4-8).
In this lesson, Jesus shows four different responses to God’s word. Christ exposed people who can’t understand the Lord’s words (Matthew 13: 19) as those who Satan captures and controls their lives. Then Christ explained to those who listen to God’s word and received it with joy but discard it because they won’t let faith overcome trials or persecution (Matthew 13:20).
Christ’s third example of unbelievers shows how they hear the word but cast it aside for lust of the flesh, materialism, and selfish ambition (Mark 4:19). And His last word highlighted a saving faith approved by God (Luke 8:15).
Other manifestations of God’s wisdom are love, peace, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). These holy principles, when practiced during trials and tribulations, bring forth solutions to problematic life circumstances. And the only way to discover them comes from abiding in Christ.

As seen, God’s eternal wisdom gives us a place in heaven. It’s in Christ we understand His Word and the Holy Spirit provides us the strength to live holy in a depraved world.
What are your thoughts on God’s wisdom?
Hello. Thanks for sharing. Yes, God’s wisdom is unchanging eternal and incredible. Peace be with you.