God’s Rewards for Selfless Service

Sep 12, 20223 comments

God’s rewards for selfless service aren’t measured with material prosperity. No, His benefits from this altruistic act show up in our hearts and souls. They penetrate holiness inside our innermost selves, unleashing His love. It’s not by accident when we walk away from providing others with an unconditional act of help that we experience goodness, peace, and love within ourselves.

Before God saved me, my services to others always had conditions. I wanted something in return. Self-gain was the focus. This way of helping others showed a selfish and uncaring attitude towards those I served. Others stopped asking me for assistance because of this behavior.

Today, through God’s gift of salvation (Ephesians 2:8-10), I’ve seen the light of giving without receiving anything in return. In Christ and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, my outlook on serving others shifted from pride to self-sacrificing actions.

Christ’s Incredible Service

One of the most remarkable aspects of our Christian faith is the selfless service Christ radiated to converted followers. Indeed, Jesus’s ministry included His demonstrations of serving others.

Christ, Himself said this:

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Mark 10:45

Jesus spoke these words to show His Apostles the significance of selflessly serving others. In the previous scriptures, James and John asked Christ when they reached heaven for Him to sit one at His right and the other at the left (Mark 10:35-40). In reality, His Disciples wanted greatness, but Jesus, in His eternal wisdom, unveiled selfless service as greatness in God’s eyes (Mark 10:41-44).

The above verse highlights an unimaginable truth behind Christ’s unselfish service to humanity. Here, Jesus reveals His death as the ultimate self-sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin and God’s undeniable desire to save humanity. Nothing is more significant to sinners. It’s at the cross when Christ gave His life that the door to heaven opened. This fact still holds today.

Selfless Service
Serving God

We can agree that Christ authenticated the wisdom behind serving others. Throughout His ministry, He corrected wrong teachings on God’s word, healed the sick, cast out demons, and resurrected the dead. All these examples show that His actions weren’t self-serving but anchored in unselfish motivation. In essence, He served God’s will.

Another lesson Christ heightened about selfless giving is doing more than what is asked.

Jesus told us:

If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles.

Matthew 5:41

This verse uncovers that serving others goes beyond the obvious. It’s easy to give what is asked, but it takes additional effort to provide more than expected. Every time we do extra when helping others, God takes notice, and the Holy Spirit fills our hearts with joy. We experience a feeling of righteousness unlike any other. This unbelievable spiritual elation isn’t centered on pride but God’s holiness.  

Our Call to Serve Others

Since God placed us in Christ, we are called to serve others. Remember, Jesus tells us that if we love Him, we are to keep His commandments (John 14:15). Selfless service is God’s will.

Christ unearthed an excellent course of selfless action. Indeed, Jesus will judge us according to how well we follow this blueprint for selflessness.

Christ shared:

“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Matthew 25:37-40

As shown above, Jesus highlighted six selfless practices God wants us to perform. These acts of help are evidence of a life centered in Christ and anchored in the Holy Spirit.

Feeding others, providing drinks for the thirsty, dealing with a stranger’s need, giving clothing to the poor, attending to the sick, and visiting prisoners radiate a faithful servant of God. Those actions radiate a devoted follower of Christ.

Most churches offer ministries aimed at fulfilling this commandment. So, participating in these faith-based actions show God our willingness to serve. We can also, on a personal level, do them.

The prosperity God gives when we do these unselfish virtues shows up in our hearts and spirits. It’s not by accident that our desire to grow more compassionate, loving, and caring after performing selflessness emerges. We want to give more of our services, for by doing so, we draw closer to Jesus.

Selfless Giving
Helping Others

I must confess to you, my friends, that I fall short of carrying out these significant altruistic behaviors. Sometimes I do care for the needs of others. When I do this, my spirit is filled with God’s spirit. But when I fail to act on them, then I experience a disconnect from Jesus. However, in my experience with salvation, God allows me the ability to improve on my walk in Christ.

Given these points, God is pleased when we show interest in those in need. As seen above, these are a few ways to demonstrate selfless service. The Bible has many other ways to be helpful to others and is available for your investigation.

How do you view selfless service?


  1. Exclave of The Lamb

    A very prolific teaching that shows us that one can not render selfless service unless he has died to self.
    Only in Christ,this is possible to die to self.

    • Walter Kahler

      Thanks, Exclave of The Lamb for allowing me to witness your faith in Christ. Your truth is encouraging and uplifting. Blessing to you my friend.

  2. Walter Kahler

    Thanks, Sophizone for stopping by and sharing your spirit. I agree with you 100%. Although giving money without expecting a return does show selflessness there are many other ways God provides to help those in need. As you pointed out sheltering and providing food are as significant in God’s eyes. Indeed the Holy Spirit manifest the true essence of seless giving. God bless you and your family.



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