How to Trust God’s Eternal Plan
I know it’s difficult living in a depraved society. Believe me, I wish humanity wouldn’t continue its evil deeds. But the Holy Spirit reminds me I’m not in charge of God’s eternal plan, but to trust in His supremacy.
Today’s Depraved Society
I think we can agree the world isn’t showing signs of improving its reprobate status. No, instead, society shows an increase in wickedness, giving proof of Satan’s existence. This isn’t new. The Holy Bible testifies to this truth. Within the pages of God’s book are many examples of sin’s devastating consequences.
In today’s society, we see many evil perversions. One of the most disgusting depraved behaviors shown by the world is sexual immorality. The world’s glorification of homosexuality, lesbianism, and transgenderism shows a society full of lustful desires and a disregard of God’s commandments. This heightens Satan’s attack on destroying the marriage that God created to help populate the world (Genesis 1:28).

Many western world schools teach these sinful behaviors to elementary students. They use textbooks condoning immoral sexual behavior. Yes, the devil’s cunning plan includes corrupting the minds of children.
Besides the world’s sexual misconduct, other signs of an unmanageable society are bearing false witness, murders, love of money, abortions, and selfish ambitions. These actions show a world void of God’s presence.
As shown above, a depraved culture robs its citizens of receiving God’s grace and Christ’s saving power (John 11:26). Remember, our Holy Father shows Himself to everyone (Romans 1:18-23). For this reason, those who live in permanent darkness end up in Hades.
Old Testament Depravity
Sodom and Gomorrah are prime examples of a depraved society (Genesis 19:5). Unlike today’s sexual immorality, God exterminated these cities for their homosexual behavior (Genesis 19: 25). Everyone who lived there died from God’s wrath, except Lot and his daughters. Because Lot glorified God, the angels sent by Him to carry out His wrath rescued them from destruction.
Another Old Testament era when our holy Father stepped in and eradicated an unsaved civilization happened in Noah’s generation (Genesis 6:5-7). God found favor with Noah (Genesis 6:8). Our Lord used him to preserve His creation and repopulate the world (1 Peter 3:20).

As if that’s not enough; When Moses returned from receiving God’s Ten Commandments, the Lord wasn’t pleased with His chosen people. No, Moses saw the Israelites worshipping idols and engaged in disobeying God’s ordinance (Deuteronomy 9:16).
These are but a few illustrations showing a reprobate community. The Bible has many references to this reality. This shows the depravity of our times parallels with that of our ancient ancestors.
Trusting God’s Sovereignty
God always makes good on His promises (2 Peter 3:9). He always provides solutions to life circumstances. But to gain access to His sovereignty, we must trust in Christ.
Christian trust centers itself in Christ’s Deity. In fact, God made Him the sole entrance into heaven (John 14:6). So, without anchoring our faith in Jesus, the door to God’s kingdom remains shut.
What does it mean to trust Jesus?
The answer to this question isn’t hard to understand. It’s simple and easy to grasp. Christian trust means accepting Jesus as God’s Son and the Savior of the world. It’s a profound conviction bearing witness to God’s truth with astonishing results.

Apostle Paul put it this way:
Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Romans 10:9
This scripture is part of a significant group of Bible verses that connect biblical truths to an unwavering trust in Christ (Romans 10:1-12). Paul showed us why God sent Jesus. He pointed out the Jews didn’t adhere to Christ and the reason God included gentiles.
As I mentioned earlier, God hasn’t destroyed our depraved society.
Because when we trust Jesus Christ, we have exclusive knowledge of His return. When He comes back, the depraved society will experience wrath unlike any other God imposed. The interesting part of Jesus’s second coming it may happen when we are alive on earth or from heaven.
As shown above, trusting God’s eternal plan gives us the holy strength to live in a depraved society. When we place our faith in Christ, we find serenity amid a reprobate civilization. Remember, we are no longer living life for ourselves. No, Jesus lives through us and the Holy Spirit keeps us on the road to heaven.
What are your thoughts on trusting Christ?

I think you’ll find that all of these passages you reference do not condemn homosexuality but instead, condemn rape. Robert Karl Gnuse makes a pretty compelling case for this in his 2015 book ‘Trajectories of Justice: What the Bible Says about Slaves, Women and Homosexuality.’
Hello RJ and thanks for sharing Society your thoughts on Living in a Depraved Society. I do agree the sripicture point out rape. However, Sodom and Gomorrah were also exposed as a homosexual society. I apperciate your clarity and your faith. God bless you and your family.
Romans 1 Clearly condemns homosexual behavior.
Hello Kaaroy and thanks for sharing your faith. Yes, Romans 1 is the blueprint for highligting homosexual behavior. Deuteronomy (22:5) also heightens God’s unfavorable outlook on homosexuality. GBY