Sharing the Gospel of Christ is an exhilarating and incredible experience. This encounter unleashes the power of the Holy Spirit, where God unveils His undeniable presence.
However, it must be shared in truth and spirit.
One must arm oneself with the Lord’s facts. These details aren’t from oneself but anchored in God’s word (Hebrews 4:12) through faith in Christ (John 20:31) and the power of the Holy Spirit (John 14:26).
Conviction of God’s presence, discernment of His Truth, and humility to His sovereignty are essential for sharing the Gospel. Each of them is a testimony to our Father’s undeniable existence. But when interwoven together, their effectiveness brings forth the mighty hand of God, where the certainty of Christ’s Gospel reveals itself and its eternal truth.
Conviction is an unshakable belief in God’s saving grace (Romans 10:9 Ephesians 2:8-9). This confidence in His existence shows others the road to redemption.
God created everyone in His image (Genesis 1:27), connecting all humanity to Him. He uses this universal truth to connect us; from this revelation, we can share His Good News.
But Adam and Eve’s fall from His grace (Genesis 3) gave birth to the virtue of conviction. Their disobedience of God’s commandment (Genesis 2:16-17) separated us from His divinity. And the attribute of conviction to the Lord’s undeniable reality shows His desire to restore humanity back into His kingdom.
For this reason, my attitudes and behaviors must show those with whom I share this divine revelation a genuine change of conduct (Galatians 5:22-24). Without this element of transformation, my ability to radiate the Gospel’s Truth stays elusive.

Faith is the catalyst of conviction. I show this faith in boldness without reservation, and this strength comes from my relationship with the Holy Trinity (God, Christ, Holy Spirit). I must share a firm testimony to His gift of salvation.
The Bible unveiled this:
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1, ESV)
Conviction is more about God’s eternal promises (John 3: 16-17). It shows others His everlasting blueprint for life outside of our physical existence. In reality, sharing Jesus’s Gospel is about heaven. Many people can’t see beyond the world’s evilness and cannot believe there is a place without affliction (Revelation 21:4). It’s significant when sharing the Gospel that highlighting heaven becomes noticeable.
As shown above, this is a general description of Christian conviction. Your reliance on God will provide a powerful testimony to the Gospel of Jesus.
Discernment is a divine wisdom and comes from God. This holy insight into the Lord’s truth equips me with understanding His word in the way He wants it to be revealed. Because of this consciousness, we become instruments of His will.
The gift of discernment is a working knowledge of the Bible derived from the Holy Spirit. Our ability to truthfully share the Gospel directly results from His Spirit. This enables us to speak with others in a Biblical language. It separates our intelligence from His divine Truth.
Jesus spoke these words:
But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. (John 16:13, NASB)
Since the Gospel is about Jesus, my guidance to its validity must come from the Holy Spirit. Left to my knowledge, God’s truth becomes limited because self-reliance lacks divine wisdom.

When sharing the Gospel, it’s not by accident that we discover words beyond our typical dialogue. The reason is that the above scripture took root, and the Holy Spirit provides Christ’s guidance. And we are now speaking on God’s behalf.
As seen, discernment is crucial when sharing the Gospel. Our connection with the Holy Spirit is real and allows us supernatural wisdom into God’s Truth. And to gain access to this incredible knowledge comes from daily devotion to God’s word.
Humility is critical when sharing the Gospel. It eliminates a prideful response to God’s saving grace (Titus 3:5). Remember, salvation is the Lord’s gift and not of our own making (Romans 6:23), and the antidote to this dangerous outlook (Matthew 7:21-23) is humility.
It’s easy for me to take a self-righteous outlook on the Gospel. When I place myself above others, it radiates an arrogant relationship with Christ. In return, the one receiving my testimony walks away with false information about the Gospel. Often, self-righteousness leaves one feeling less than and with a sense of eternal condemnation.
Sharing the Gospel is to glorify God. I can’t accomplish this spiritual quality without humility. Our best example of showing a humble spirit came from Christ.
Jesus said:
Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. (Matthew 16:23, NKJV)
This truth is the essence of sharing the Gospel. When I act upon these words, humility emerges, and my life transforms from self-centeredness into one anchored in Jesus. Then, God, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, uses me to advance His kingdom.
A point often overlooked is that living in a humble existence to God’s sovereignty shows others His unconditional love. The most excellent demonstration of His love came at the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ (1 John 3:16), and is the lifeblood of spreading the Gospel. To share this news with others shows a love beyond human comprehension.

When sharing the Gospel, I must voice my sinful nature. Once I reveal my disobedience to the Lord and how the gospel changed my sinful ways, the recipient connects with how Jesus converted my soul. Here is where humility blossoms.
The Gospel is best shared with a gentle approach to God’s eternal plan (1 Peter 3:15). The difference between sharing the Lord’s word in boldness and taking a self-righteous attitude is knowing everyone is undeserving to receive His mercy. To avoid an unfavorable portrayal of the Gospel, I must be humble when speaking about His truth.
As noted, humility is vital when talking with others about the Gospel. All that is required to discover the Christian nature of humility is to draw closer to God (James 4:6).
Given these points, sharing the Gospel has guidelines. We have only touched on threecharacteristics of the way the Bible outlines carrying Christ’s message of salvation. Conviction, discernment, and humility are but a small part. To attain more Christian principles in sharing the Gospel, seek God daily.
What are your thoughts?
you will have seen my thoughts shortly if indeed you did receive and examine the true reason given of God for the preaching of the gospel in the last days. Bear in mind that Jesus and all of the prophets and apostles, disciples, holy men and women of God spoke not only to those whom they hoped to be saved by the grace of God. but they spoke to murderers, adulterers, liars deceivers men stealers, and extortioners that by the hearing of the truth no matter how painful it is to those who are not the elect of God. These also must hear the gospel truth that by the hearing of it they may be judged according to their subsequent choice that they make. The heathen are always ‘ abused ‘ by the truth. It is a matter of perspective, which side the hearer is on when he hears. Gentleness and meekness are top priority when speaking to the ones who will hear. But Jesus told the pharisee what they didn’t want to hear also. By this they are judged. Lean on God for guidance in the timely word spoken. He knows who gets to hear what. Looking forward to fellowship if God wills it.
Hello Dough. Thanks or sharing your unshakable faith. You speak God’s truth. Indeed the Great Comission is bold and without shame. Sharing the Gospel includes reaching out to all sinners and not selecting just the easier souls. Peace be with you my friend and your family.
God’s grace be upon you and all of your household, Doug