Finding Peace in a Broken World

Finding Peace in a Broken World

Finding peace in a world filled with evilness isn’t easy. I think you’ll agree with me when I say technology advancements heightens a chaotic society full of conflict. In fact, smart phones, social media and 24-hour newscast display an eagerness to report a global...
God’s  Powerful Choice

God’s Powerful Choice

Every day we make choices. Many bring positive results, and others hardship. A choice is a conscious decision to take action on a preference. And this can cause negative results. Remember, God chose you and placed you in Christ’s care. And in Christ the Holy Spirit...
How to overcome Loneliness

How to overcome Loneliness

Have you ever experience an emptiness inside yourself?  You’re not alone. I understand because loneliness is a familiar foe. Most of my life I’ve chased after experiences in finding satisfaction. Alcohol, drugs, and sex didn’t stop my loneliness. In fact, they became...
God’s Unshakable Love

God’s Unshakable Love

Love is one of the most cherished experiences on the planet. People pursue intimacy to find comfort. They try their best to unite themselves with a perfect mate. Who doesn’t want others affection? Finding lasting love is challenging. Why is that? A point often...